Advances in Food Science and Safety

At UGA, researchers are striving to supply not only an abundance of food for a growing population, but to ensure the safety and quality of that food supply. Faculty discover new ways to minimize pathogens, increase safety practices, and bring innovative products to market by exploring the following topics:

  • Food Safety
  • Nutrition and Quality
  • Food Science Advances
  • Impacts for Consumer Behavior

Food Science and Safety Research News

sugar beet cyst nematodes CAES News
CAES scientists discover how cyst nematodes attack crops
People love the taste of sugar beets’ primary byproduct: white sugar. Soilborne cyst nematodes — parasitic, microscopic worms — enjoy the root vegetable, too, but as their sole food source. It’s an obstinate, expensive problem for farmers that researchers at the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are working to solve.
rabbiteye blueberry CAES News
CAES food scientists study essential oil coatings to improve shelf life of organic produce
Organic fruits and vegetables often face a higher risk of spoiling and harboring foodborne pathogens than their conventional farming counterparts. Because organic growers and packers must adhere to higher production standards and restrictions on chemical additives, University of Georgia experts are exploring alternative methods for protecting organic products and consumers through a new $3.5 million grant from the United States Department of Agriculture.
In developing markets where making staple foods is a daily task and warmer climates where food spoilage is common, foods that have more longevity and are easily preserved can enhance economic opportunities by reducing food preparation tasks and lower environmental impact. CAES News
CAES researchers look to reduce food waste by extending shelf life
“Use by,” “Sell by” and “Best by” dates on food packaging can be helpful indicators of how long a consumer can store a food item before eating, but often these dates lead to high quantities of wasted food. About one-fifth of food produced for human consumption is discarded before it can be eaten, equating to 1 billion meals a day and contributing to global food insecurity.
Post-harvest pecan handling