Georgia 4-H
What is Georgia 4-H?
Georgia 4-H helps youth to acquire knowledge, develop life skills and form attitudes that will enable them to become self-directive and productive members of society. The program sets the stage for youth and adults to learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change.
Georgia 4-H has a mission to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. This mission is accomplished through hands-on learning experiences and a focus on agricultural and environmental issues, agriculture awareness, leadership, communication skills, foods and nutrition, health, energy conservation and citizenship.
Georgia 4-H is all about exploring and discovering, encouraging and challenging. As a program of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension System, 4-H is part of the nationwide Extension network.
Members of 4-H are known for sharing their research-based knowledge and technology with others where they live and work. Georgia 4-H combines federal, state, and local expertise and resources.
Environmental Education
Environmental education programs are administered by UGA Cooperative Extension at six 4-H centers across the state.
These programs offer teachers and students a combination of resources in the forms of nature and equipment to aid in the learning process. Programs can be customized to meet specific objectives as requested by visiting schools.
Program Objectives
- To develop an awareness, knowledge and appreciation for the natural environment
- To cultivate curiosity, critical reasoning and evaluation skills
- To develop positive relationships between students and their teachers
- To make the school program more meaningful by applying knowledge and skills required in the classroom to real-life situations
- To provide experiences in scientific processes, such as observing, measuring, classifying, etc.
- To develop self-confidence and physical fitness
- To develop an appreciation for the local and natural history of an area