Career Resources & Job Board
Are you an Ag Dawg ready to explore careers, internships or graduate school? We're excited to help you take those steps into your future!
Questions about resumés, interviews, professionalism, careers, internships, or graduate school?
Schedule a meeting with your Career Consultant, Brandon Solie! The CAES Career Consultant can provide you with the tools and skills to help you succeed in your career as early as your first year through graduation and beyond. Their job is to help you:
- Explore your major and career interests
- Develop a strong resume and cover letter
- Utilize networking to find hands-on experience through part-time jobs, internships, and undergraduate research
- Discuss graduate school options and applications
- And more...
Meet with Brandon during Satellite Hours!
Stop by from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Conner Hall 102 on:
- January 21st
- February 18th
- March 18th
- April 15th
Click here to explore all of the helpful online resources the UGA Career Center offers.
Schedule an individual appointment with CAES Career Consultant Brandon Solie by logging into Handshake and requesting an available time, by emailing or by calling the Career Center front desk at 706-542-3375.
Not sure how to get started? Drop by the Career Center’s drop-in sessions, held every Monday-Thursday from 11am-2pm in Clark Howell Hall, and Fridays from 11 am - 2 pm virtually via Handshake while classes are in session. Brandon also hosts casual drop-in hours at the Science Learning Center bi-weekly on Thursdays from 12:30pm - 2:30pm.
Interested in a pre-professional career path?
- Visit the Pre-Professional Advising Office as early as your freshman year
- Join the pre-professional listserv to stay connected with the PPAO
Looking for a job?
- Check out the CAES Job Board dedicated to connecting CAES students and graduates with industry-wide employers.
- Check with your department and advisor for opportunities in your specific field of study.
- Attend the UGA Food, Agricultural, Environmental and Sciences Career and Internship Fair during the fall semester in the Grand Hall of the Tate Student Center.
- Check Handshake, UGA’s database of internships and jobs, for an opportunity that’s right for you and chat with your Career Consultant to prepare.
Seeking an internship?
- Visit our internship page
- Check out the CAES Job Board dedicated to connecting CAES students and graduates with industry-wide employers.
Are You An Employer Looking to Hire CAES Students?
We’re excited to connect you with some of the brightest minds who will shape the future of agricultural and environmental sciences. Posting a job to our CAES Job Board is free of charge, and we are happy to provide this service for employers and students. All job postings will be reviewed prior to publication on the job board. Job announcements will be posted as soon as possible. Contact Liz Newlin at with any questions about the CAES job board.We also encourageyou to post your positions to Handshake and collaborate with the UGA Career Center to recruit students and alumni within the broader UGA community. Contact UGA Career Center Associate Director of Employer Relations Brionna Johnson or Career Consultant Brandon Solie with any questions or concerns about institution-wide recruitment or career fair interests.

Additional Job Boards
- Affinity Agriculture
- Ag 1 Source
- Ag
- AgriCareers
- AgriSeek
- Careers in food
- Environmental Jobs
- Ga. Dept of Natural Resources
- Georgia
- Go Eco
- Hansen Agri-Placement
- Indeed Job Search
- National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- Team Georgia Careers
- UGA Career Center (Handshake)
- USA Jobs
- ZipRecruiter