Georgia Legislative Internship Program

What is the Georgia Legislative Internship Program?

The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences sponsors legislative internships during the 12 - week legislative session in Atlanta. Two students will be selected for the Georgia Legislative Internship program. One student will intern with the Chair of the Georgia Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee and one student will intern with the Georgia Agribusiness Council. Students will attends committee meetings, write briefs, conduct research, and assist in legislative efforts as assigned. This is an excellent opportunity for students to become involved in state legislative and policy activities that have a direct impact on Georgia's farmers.

What do the Georgia Legislative Interns do?

Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee Intern
  • Work full-time and report to the Chair of the Senate Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee.
  • Research legislative bills of significance to agriculture and consumer affairs.
  • Respond to agriculture and consumer affairs constituents and interest groups.
  • Attend legislative hearings and briefings on agriculture and consumer affairs.
Georgia Agribusiness Council Intern
  • Will report directly to GAC President and GAC Public Affairs Manager
  • Track legislation impacting Georgia's agriculture and forestry sectors
  • Monitor committee meetings
  • Assist with weekly legislative newsletter for GAC members

Application Information

Georgia Legislative Interns will apply with one application and be considered for both internship positions. Applicants will be reviewed and interns will be selected in late fall to serve as interns the following spring semester.


The internship is open to students in good academic standing in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia.


Strongly recommended qualifications include:

  • Have a background or interest in agriculture and consumer affairs
  • Have excellent skills in written and spoken English.
  • Have the ability to produce quality and timely written reports.
  • Have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to meet and engage people.
  • Be willing to travel and attend meeting and other activities as assigned.
  • Have a valid Georgia Drivers' License at all times.

Georgia Legislative Internships

Application Closed
Application Deadline: October 15, 2024
Georgia Legislative Interns, Brooke Rainere and Katelyn Bickett, at the Georgia Capitol during the 2021 legislative session.
Georgia Legislative Interns, Brooke Rainere and Katelyn Bickett, at the Georgia Capitol during the 2021 legislative session.

Just the facts


  • Senate Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee
  • Georgia Agribusiness Council

Atlanta, GA

The intern will receive a $4,500 stipend

Spring Semester - Second Monday in January through the end of legislative session (approximately first week in April)

For More Information:

Caroline Hinton Director of Experiential Learning