Hire an Ag Dawg

For Employers

Developing connections with employers is an important responsibility of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. By forming relationships with employers, we can connect them to our faculty, who can better communicate industry requests to our students. We also work closely with the UGA Career Center as they prepare students to fill positions. However, making the link between employers and our students is not always as simple as it may seem.

As an employer, it is often more beneficial for you to communicate directly with the college and departments about hiring CAES students. If you are an employer interested in connecting with students in our undergraduate, master's or doctoral programs about internships or full-time employment, we want to help bridge that gap.

If you're an employer interested in hiring from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, please visit the CAES Job Board.


Learn More

More information for employers is available from the CAES Office of Academic Affairs.