CAES Alumni Newsletter
Alumni Events
Our annual seminar shares the latest research and information from UGA faculty to help farmers and agribusinesses in Georgia's No. 1 industry, agriculture. Save the date for the 2025 forecast to be held in Macon, Georgia.
9:00AM - 1:30PM
2025 Georgia Ag Forecast
Marriott Macon City Center, Macon, GA
Intros and Appetizers is a low pressure, high energy student and alumni/industry partner networking opportunity. Faculty and staff are welcome.
5:30PM - 7:30PM
CAES Spring Intros and Appetizers
Studio 225, Athens, GA
This inaugural event will feature research-backed insights from the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) as well as leaders of industry from “field to table” to share what is happening with food prices and inflation.
Dr. Michael Adjemian of the Agricultural & Applied Economics department will kick off the program with brief findings from research and data, including those from the 2025 Ag Forecast.
CAES alumni, students, and friends are invited to attend as representatives from producers to suppliers to retailers share some of the input costs and challenges affecting Georgians.
If you are a student who wishes to attend, please email Laura Bayne at
11:30AM - 12:45PM
CAES Field to Table: Food Prices and Inflation
Georgia Railroad Freight Depot - Blue Room, Atlanta