CAES Alumni Newsletter
Alumni Events
The D.W. Brooks Lecture is named for the late D.W. Brooks, founder of Gold Kist, Inc. Brooks started Cotton States Mutual Insurance Companies in 1941. He advised seven U.S. presidents on farm and trade issues. Among his many honors, he was the first inductee into the University of Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame. CAES hosts the annual lecture series and faculty awards for excellence celebration in his memory.
3:30PM - 5:00PM
D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards
UGA Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA
Our annual seminar shares the latest research and information from UGA faculty to help farmers and agribusinesses in Georgia's No. 1 industry, agriculture. Save the date for the 2025 forecast to be held in Macon, Georgia.
9:00AM - 1:30PM
2025 Georgia Ag Forecast
Marriott Macon City Center, Macon, GA
Intros and Appetizers is a low pressure, high energy student and alumni/industry partner networking opportunity. Faculty and staff are welcome.
5:30PM - 7:30PM
CAES Spring Intros and Appetizers
Studio 225, Athens, GA