About the Office

Many Paths, One Mission

The Office of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence serves as the internal support unit in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for underrepresented minority students, faculty and staff. Recruitment and retention, professional development, training and mentoring play an integral role in the initiatives designed to attract and support under-represented minorities.

Established in 2000, the office’s motto “many paths, one mission” describes our commitment to providing an inclusive learning environment for students, faculty and staff from all backgrounds and ethnicities. It also captures the commitment to our mission and goal of fostering individual growth and strong relationship-building skills that empower our students to effectively contribute and excel in a global society.

Lakecia Pettway
Lakecia Pettway Director of Diversity Affairs
Office of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Office of the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs
Aria Rechenbach
Aria Rechenbach Program Coordinator
Office of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Office of the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs

Campus-wide Resources

UGA Office of Institutional Diversity

OID leads the university in fulfilling its commitment to be a diverse campus that is enriched and informed by the personal, cultural, and intellectual differences of its students, faculty, staff and visitors. As UGA grows more diverse, creating a welcoming climate of respect and inclusiveness for all is more important than ever.

Diversity and Inclusion Certificate

This certificate creates an opportunity for faculty and staff to explore strategic areas around diversity and improve their ability to contribute to the enhancement of UGA’s welcoming and inclusive environment. The certificate will also enable participants to get a closer look at the people, institutions and initiatives that play a key role in supporting and fostering diversity at UGA.

UGA Diversity Advisory Council

DAC is an advisory board with responsibility to the Provost via the Associate Provost for Institutional Diversity.  The UGA Diversity Advisory Council serves as a broad-based advisory group with representation by the major components of the university so as to have a voice from students, staff, faculty, and administrators. The UGA Diversity Plan serves as a blueprint for the continuous improvement in diversity and inclusion as core values at UGA.

UGA Office of Multicultural Services and Programs

MSP works to create an inclusive campus environment by supporting the development and affirming the overall experiences of all students, particularly multicultural students. The MSP Office also advise and provide leadership opportunities for 13 multicultural student organizations.

CAES Office of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence
Conner Hall, Room 201
147 Cedar Street
Athens, GA 30602

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