Stephen Joshua Brannen

Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame
With an extensive background in Agricultural Economics, Dr. Brannen devoted his life to innovative leadership and guidance to students and witnessed its payoff to Georgia's agricultural industry.
Brannen's professional career spanned four decades which included the development and leadership in the Agricultural Economics programs at the University of Georgia and a devoted service to the state.
Dr. Brannen held numerous positions in Farm Management including Assistant County Agent, Extension Economist and Farm Management Specialist, and Head of the Extension Economics Department.
With Brannen's superior writing and editing skills, publications such as Farm Economic Briefs, Farm Record Book, and The Farm Income Tax Guide are now being used throughout Georgia.
For nearly 27 years, Brannen's distinguished position as Chairman of the Division of Agricultural Economics developed five departments in four major cities that flourished throughout the state. In addition, his leadership and aggressive role as chairman of the Agricultural Economics Research and Teaching Department at the University of Georgia revealed a four-fold increase in total enrollment and productivity.
Dr. Brannen also initiated and established the Agricultural Economics Association of Georgia and served as a consultant and/or advisor to the U.S.D.A., the Coastal Plains Regional Commission, Farm Credit Banks of Columbia, Opekasit, Inc., Commodity Credit Corporation, and Financial Services Inc.
Brannen was a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, AGHON, the American Agricultural Economics Association, the International Association of Agricultural Economists, and a charter member, former secretary/treasurer, and former president of the Georgia Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.