Fund List
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Popular Funds
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences General Funds
- College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Excellence Fund supports programs and activities that enrich CAES at the University of Georgia.
- CAES Signature Events Support Fund provides support for signature events hosted by the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, such as Ag Dawg Kickoff, Ag Forecast, Flavor of Georgia, and CAES Alumni Awards and Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame Induction.
- Four Towers Ag Alumni and Student Center Fund
Agricultural and Applied Economics
- The Agricultural Economics Fund benefits the Agricultural Economics Department.
- Hospitality and Food Industry Management Support Fund provides support for the Hospitality and Food Industry Management Program in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication
- Advancing Georgia's Leaders Support Fund supports the Advancing Georgia's Leaders in Agriculture and Forestry (AGL) leadership development program.
- AGL Endowed Support Fund
- The ALEC Enrichment Fund supports general activities of the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication including student travel and enrichment opportunities.
Animal and Dairy Science
- Animal and Dairy Science Beef and Meat Research and Teaching Fund provides support for beef and meat research and teaching for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
- Animal and Dairy Science Discretionary Fund supports the general activities of the Department of Animal and Dairy Science – the department's general fund.
- UGA Livestock Judging Team Fund is used to financially support the UGA Livestock Judging Team.
Crop and Soil Sciences
- Crop and Soil Sciences Discretionary Fund supports general programming in the crop and soil sciences department – the department's general fund.
- Department of Entomology Discretionary Fund provides general support for the entomology department.
- Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management (MPPPM) Assistantship Fund provides support for the Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management (MPPPM) program.
Food Science and Technology
- Center for Food Safety and Quality Enhancement Fund
- Food Science and Technology Fund supports the general programming of the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- Friends of UGArden Endowed Support Fund provides support for UGArden, a student community farm at the University of Georgia. Support shall include, but not be limited to, operating expenses, equipment, supplies, student workers/interns.
- Horticulture Enrichment Fund supports general activities in the Department of Horticulture.
- Paul Thomas Floriculture Scholarship Endowment provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student majoring in horticulture with plans to pursue a career in floriculture.
- van Iersel - Marc van Iersel Exploratory Travel Award provides funding to expose graduate students to research programs outside of the University of Georgia through short-term visits to other universities, government research labs, private companies or similar research facilities or centers of excellence.
- The Viticulture and Enology Fund
Plant Pathology
- The Plant Pathology Fund supports teaching and research programs in plant pathology.
Poultry Science
- Poultry Science Building Fund provides support for the construction of the Poultry Science building and facilities.
- The Poultry Science Fund provides general support for the Department of Poultry Science.
Student Support
- AGHON Support Fund provides support for the AGHON society.
- CAES Inclusive Excellence Fund supports the CAES Office of Diversity Affairs.
- CAES Rural Scholars Operational Fund supports the CAES Rural Scholars Program.
- CAES Student Emergency Fund provides limited, one-time financial assistance to enrolled undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of temporary hardship related to an emergency.
- Congressional Agricultural Fellowship Support Fund provides support for the Congressional Agricultural Fellowship Program in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- The Deans' Promise Fund provides students with experiences outside the classroom including, but not limited to, international travel, service learning, internships and fellowships.
- Global Food Security Fund is used to help students understand the global community and assist faculty in integrating global experiences into their curriculum.
- CAES Alumni Association East Georgia Chapter Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student. Preference is given to students from Bulloch, Burke, Bryan, Candler, Effingham, Emanuel, Evans, Jefferson, Jenkins, Screven, Tattnall, Toombs and Treutlen counties.
- CAES Alumni Association Eterna Endowed Fund supports activities of the CAES Alumni Association.
UGA Experiment Station
- Coastal Plain Experiment Station supports the general activities of the Coastal Plain Experiment Station.
UGA Extension
- 4-H General Fund provides general support for Georgia 4-H, the state’s largest youth leadership program, to include youth activities, events, and facilities.
- UGA Cooperative Extension benefits the programs and expenses of the Cooperative Extension Department at the University of Georgia.
UGA Griffin Campus
- Griffin Campus Fund is for general support of the UGA Griffin Campus.
UGA Tifton Campus
- College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Student Enrichment Fund - Tifton Campus supports CAES student programs on the UGA Tifton Campus.
- Dr. Joe West Second Century Endowment provide educational experiences beyond the classroom to undergraduate students on the Univeristy of Georgia's Tifton Campus.
- Tifton Animal Science and Horticulture Development Fund supports the Animal and Dairy Science and Horticulture Departments at the UGA Tifton Campus.
- Advancing Georgia's Leaders Support Fund supports the Advancing Georgia's Leaders in Agriculture and Forestry (AGL) leadership development program.
- Ag Forecast Support Fund provides support for the Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series presented by CAES.
- CAES Academic Programs Fund funding supports College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences academics.
- CAES Alumni Association Eterna Endowed Fund supports activities of the CAES Alumni Association.
- CAES Diversity Affairs Development Fund supports the CAES Office of Diversity Affairs.
- CAES Rural Initiatives Fund provides support for rural initiatives related to the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences that work to support the mission of the University of Georgia.
- CAES Rural Scholars Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund supports a cohort of incoming, first-year UGA students from Georgia's rural communities who have excelled academically, show strong leadership abilities, have a record of community service, and seek a degree in CAES.
- CAES Rural Scholars Operational Fund supports the CAES Rural Scholars Program.
- College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Excellence Fund supports CAES general programming. This is the college-wide general fund.
- College of Agriculture Improvement Fund supports CAES general programming.
- Flavor of Georgia Support Fund is a food product contest for established or market-ready foods made in the state.
- Kanemasu - Edward T. and Karen Kanemasu Global Engagement Award honors Ed and Karen's lifelong commitment to building human connections across global cultures while working to feed a rapidly growing population. This award is designed to support a full immersion experience for a student taking on more than the typical study abroad program.
- AGHON Georgia Commitment Scholarship Fund provide a need-based scholarship(s), as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid, for undergraduate student(s) to attend the University of Georgia.
- AGHON Support Fund provides support for the AGHON society.
- Abit Massey/Ivester Foundation Scholarship provides cholarship support for students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences who either graduated from a high school in Gainesville or Hall County, GA or who are residents of Hall County, GA.
- Angle - Scott and Teresa Angle Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student in the pre-law advisory program.
- Arnold Award for International Agriculture provides students with funding for study abroad programs. Students from Newton County, Georgia, are encouraged to apply.
- Beal Family Scholarship Endowment provides annual scholarship support for a rising junior or senior student in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Bennett - W. Tap Bennett Scholarships provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student involved in 4-H and/or FFA programs.
- Bickley - Cain A.M. Bickley Student Support Fund provides support for junior and/or senior undergraduate students majoring in Agricultural and Applied Economics, Agribusiness, and Agricultural Communication within the college.
- Birdsong - Tom and George Birdsong Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student(s) residing in a peanut producing county in the state of Georgia as represented by the farm gate value.
- Booth - William H. Booth Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student. Preference is given to students from Jackson, Banks, Barrow, Gwinnett, Hall, Clarke, Oglethorpe or Dawson, Georgia, counties.
- Broder Global Support Fund supports CAES students who participate in international education programs and activities.
- Broder - Hans and Margrit Broder Student Support Fund supports educational experiences for CAES students beyond the classroom, including internships, service learning, research and/or career exploration.
- Burk - Lawrence G. and Mary Katherine B. Burk Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student from Georgia's Harris and/or Meriwether counties.
- Burson - G. A. Burson Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- CAES Activity Center Fund provides support for the renovation and maintenance of the CAES Activity Center, at Four Towers on the Athens Campus.
- CAES Alumni Association East GA Chapter Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student. Preference is given to students from Bulloch, Burke, Bryan, Candler, Effingham, Emanuel, Evans, Jefferson, Jenkins, Screven, Tattnall, Toombs and Treutlen counties.
- CAES FABricate Entrepreneurship Fund supports the FABricate Food and AgriBusiness Entrepreneurship Program and other related areas which are incubators for CAES students to launch startup companies related to a new food product, ag technology, agricultural, food-related, environmental, or sustainable business.
- CAES Student Emergency Fund provides limited, one-time financial assistance to enrolled undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of temporary hardship related to an emergency.
- Campbell - Nan and Phil Campbell International Support Fund provides an annual international academic scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Carlan - Walter F. Carlan Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Cocke - Emory L. Cocke Exposition Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Coverdell - Paul Coverdell Agricultural Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate CAES student for participation in the Undergraduate Research Initiative program.
- Crabb - George Arthur Crabb Graduate Fellowship provides a graduate fellowship to graduate students who were undergraduate members of Alpha Zeta honorary fraternity.
- Creamer Family Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for an undergraduate pre-veterinary student in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Cunningham - Cunningham Family Scholarship provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student(s) in CAES.
- Daughtry - Frank D. Daughtry Family Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- The Deans' Promise Fund provides students with experiences outside the classroom including, but not limited to, international travel, service learning, internships and fellowships.
- Elkins - Agriculture Scholarship - Pearce L. and Mary Wells Elkins Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Farmer - Leon and Vickie Farmer International Agriculture Fund enhances student activities in international agriculture, specifically activities focused on food production and the alleviation of hunger.
- Georgia Farm Bureau Land Grant Education Fund provides support for student-led projects highlighting the land grant mission and issues addressing the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the agriculture industry.
- Global Food Security Fund is used to help students understand the global community and assist faculty in integrating global experiences into their curriculum.
- Gold Kist / Gaylord Coan Leadership Endowment Fund supports the student agricultural Ambassador program.
- Greer - Keely Grant Greer Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student who is studying environmental sciences.
- Griffin-Evans Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student who's studying on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Hohenheim Exchange Program supports University of Hohenheim exchange students when visiting UGA.
- Hopkins - Chris and Marilynn Hopkins Scholarship provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student(s) who intends to pursue a career in Georgia's production agriculture.
- Irvin - Commissioner Tommy Irvin and Friends of Georgia Agriculture Endowed Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Jenkins - Ted and Gerrye Jenkins Outstanding Leadership Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to a CAES undergraduate student.
- Jewell - June Hall Jewell Memorial Fund provides an annual scholarship to a first-year undergraduate student.
- Joh Family FABricate Support Fund provides support for the FABricate Entrepreneurial Initiative which is hosted by CAES, but open to all UGA students.
- Kelly Families/Farmview Market Scholarship Fund provides an annual merit-based scholarship(s), renewable up to four years, to assist recruiting the most qualified students to the University of Georgia through the CAES Rural Scholars Program.
- Lea - Mark Arden Lea International Travel Fellowship for Undergraduate Students in the College of Agriculture provides an annual international study scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Loden - Harold and Celestia Loden Endowed Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Lord - Mark Alan Lord Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to rising juniors or seniors in CAES.
- Marsh - The Elliott and Christy Marsh Student Enrichment Fund provide students with meaningful enrichment opportunities such as internships, service-learning projects, leadership-building programs, entrepreneurship, study abroad and research.
- Marshall - Joseph H. Marshall International Student Exchange Fund provides students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences with the opportunity to expand their international experiences.
- Martin - Ben and Donna Martin Family Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for upper class students (3rd year or higher).
- Mobley - J. Mark and Judy Mobley CAES Graduate Fellowship Fund provides support for a graduate student in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Parent Leadership Council Rural Scholars Support Fund provides support for the CAES Rural Scholars Program.
- Perdue - Governor Sonny Perdue Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student selected for the Food Animal Veterinary Incentive Program.
- Perry - Pineywoods Farm, Schley L. Perry Sr. Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student in agriculture or related fields.
- Phillips - Asa R. "Dick" Phillips, Jr. Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Prince - Marie Gaskins Prince Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student from Berrien, Tift, Coffee or Lowndes counties. Preference is given to students at the UGA Tifton Campus.
- Program Innovation Discretionary Fund supports CAES general programming, including international programs.
- Reaves - Henry L. Reaves Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student who is a Georgia resident.
- Segars - Bill and Barbara Segars Student Enrichment Fund supports student travel, professional development and leadership.
- Segars - H. Glenn and Anne Jarrell Segars International Agriculture Support Fund supports CAES international agriculture programs.
- Simao - Andrea B. Simao Scholarship to Advance Public Service in Support of U.S. Agriculture provides scholarship support for a rising junior or senior undergraduate student within the College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences.
- Seyfert - Christy Cromley Seyfert and Mike Seyfert Scholarship Endowment provides merit-based scholarship support for an undergraduate student enrolled in any major within the College.
- Sigma Alpha Enrichment Fund supports programming and the students of the Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority.
- Spearman - Tyron Spearman CAES Scholarship provides scholarship support for a junior or senior student majoring in an agriculture related area in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences with first preference for a GA resident.
- Stephens - J. Tyson Stephens Rural Ag Scholars Fund
- Sutherland - J. Eugene Sutherland Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Tillery Family Award Endowment provides an award to recognize the college's most outstanding graduating senior in the Honors Program.
- Trussell - Henry L. Trussell, Jr. Endowment Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student in CAES based on financial need, academics and extracurricular activities.
- Turpin - Ron and Carolyn Turpin Rural Scholars Scholarship
- Usry - James and Audrey Usry Rural Scholars Scholarship Fund
- Voigt - Fred W. Voigt Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Wheeler - Robert Wheeler Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Williamson - Dr. James L. and Renee Williamson Leadership Award Fund provides leadership awards and program support for CAES students and student organizations.
- Wofford - Irvin Mirle and Marey Carey Wofford Endowment provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student.
- Young Scholars Internship Program – Athens supports the Young Scholars Program on the UGA Athens Campus.
- Young - Rand Young and Betsy Vonk Food Systems Education Fund provide combined support for UGArden and Campus Kitchen at the University of Georgia, as the needs of both programs overlap in many areas – most notably the need surrounding community education on nutrition and gardening.
- Brooks - D.W. Brooks Agricultural Fund provides an research and training support for CAES.
- Mann - E. William Mann Agriculture Fund supports faculty fees and expenses, including those associated with travel, conferences and guest speakers.
- Russell - Richard B. Russell Agriculture Professorship funds a professorship in agriculture.
- Four Towers Ag Alumni and Student Center Fund supports the maintenance of the CAES Alumni and Student Center in the Four Towers building on the UGA Athens Campus.
- Poultry Science Building Fund the initial purpose of the Fund is to provide support for the construction of the Poultry Science building and facilities.
- University of Georgia Campus Arboretum Endowment Fund promotes development, use and visibility of the UGA Campus Arboretum.
- University of Georgia Campus Arboretum Operational Fund promotes development, use and visibility of the UGA Campus Arboretum.
- CAES Student Enrichment and Scholarship Fund – Griffin Campus supports CAES student programs on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Center for Food Safety and Quality Enhancement Fund supports the Center for Food Safety and Quality Enhancement.
- Chinnan - Dr. Manjeet S. Chinnan Graduate Student Support Fund supports a graduate student in food science on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Consumer and Sensory Science Program Fund supports the CAES consumer and sensory science program on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Experiment Station, Georgia Agricultural supports the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station in Griffin.
- Georgia Agricultural Engineering Station Discretionary Fund supports the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the Georgia Experiment Station in Griffin.
- Georgia Mountain Branch Station Arboretum Development Fund supports the programs at the Georgia Mountain Branch Station.
- Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center Support Fund provides support to the Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center.
- Georgia Station Research Garden Fund supports the Georgia Station Research Garden.
- Griffin Campus Classified Staff Award Fund provides CAES staff awards on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Griffin Campus Diversity Enhancement Fund supports campus diversity programs on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Griffin Campus Fund is for general support of the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Griffin Campus Staff Enrichment Fund supports staff enrichment on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Griffin Campus Young Scholars Program supports the Young Scholars Program on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Memorial Gazebo Fund is used to construct and maintain the gazebo in memory of Frank Asbell Thomas on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Plant Pathology – Griffin Campus Fund supports plant pathology research, extension and instruction on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Sell - Dr. Otto E. and Elsie Sell Distinguished Professorship supports the work of a CAES Faculty at the Griffin campus to support developing courses, strengthening teaching and research, and othe rprofessional activities.
- Special Needs Student Support Fund supports students with special needs studying on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- UGA Griffin Campus Research and Education Garden supports the UGA Griffin Campus Research and Education Garden.
- Woodroof - Naomi Chapman Woodroof Agricultural Pavilion Endowment Fund is used to maintain the Woodruff Pavilion on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Student Enrichment Fund – Tifton Campus supports CAES student programs on the UGA Tifton Campus.
- Coastal Plain Experiment Station supports the general activities of the Coastal Plain Experiment Station.
- Coastal Plain Experiment Station Plant Pathology Fund supports the plant pathology department at the Coastal Plain Experiment Station.
- Kirk - James and Joyce Kirk Student Support Fund provides support for graduate & undergraduate students on the UGA Tifton Campus which may include undergraduate scholarships or graduate fellowship support.
- Tift Cultivar Study Abroad Scholarship supports study abroad opportunities for CAES students at the UGA Tifton Campus.
- Tift Cultivar Travel Award supports a graduate student in CAES at the UGA Tifton Campus.
- Tifton Animal Science and Horticulture Development Fund supports the Animal and Dairy Science and Horticulture Departments at the UGA Tifton Campus.
- Tifton Entomology Development Fund supports the entomology department at the UGA Tifton Campus.
- UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center Innovation Fund supports Tifton Campus Conference Center programs at the UGA Tifton Campus.
- West - Dr. Joe West Second Century Endowment Fund provides educational experiences beyond the classroom to undergraduate students on the University of Georgia's Tifton Campus.
- Agricultural Economics Endowment establishes chairs in agricultural economics to provide faculty excellence awards, student scholarships or other programming support.
- Benson's Hospitality Group Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
- Brannen - Stephen Brannen Student Leadership Support Fund supports activities in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics related to undergraduate and graduate student enrichment.
- Brookins - Tate, Tripp, Ann and Frank Brookins Scholarship Fund supports an annual scholarship for an undergraduate student in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
- Brown, Evan, International Agricultural Economics Scholarship supports an annual scholarship for an undergraduate student in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
- Center for Agribusiness and Economic
- Department Head International Graduate Fellowship Fund provides support for a graduate student in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
- Development Support Fund provides general support for the Center of Agribusinesss and Economic Development, a unit of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Distinguished Professorship in Agricultural Marketing supplements the compensation of a Distinguished Professor in Agricultural Marketing.
- Environmental Policy Academy Program Support provides support for training of Georgia legislators on environmental issues.
- Firor - J. William Firor, Sr. Scholarship supports an annual scholarship for an undergraduate student majoring in agricultural economics.
- Frazier - Thomas L. Frazier Scholarship Fund supports an annual scholarship for an undergraduate student in the Department of Agricultural and Economics.
- Graduate Student Agricultural Economics Fund supports graduate students in agricultural economics.
- Hospitality and Food Management Non-endowed Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for students in the Hospitality and Food Industry Management major within the Dept of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
- Hospitality and Food Industry Management Support Fund provides support for the Hospitality and Food Industry Management Program in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Jennings - Phillip Jennings Family Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for an incoming freshman student pursuing a degree in the Hospitality and Food Industry Management Program.
- Johnson - Gus and Pat Johnson Endowed Program Support Fund in Agricultural & Applied Economics provides support for the Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics.
- MAD Hospitality Endowed Program Support fund in Hospitality and Food Industry Management provides support for the Hospitality and Food Industry Management Program within the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
- Morse - Steve Morse Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student majoring in Hospitality and Food Industry Management.
- Proctor - Roy Estes Proctor Memorial Scholarship Fund supports an annual scholarship for an undergraduate student in agricultural economics.
- Williams - Wendell (Wen) Williams Scholarship Fund supports an annual scholarship for an undergraduate student in agricultural economics and other student programming.
- Advancing Georgia's Leaders Support Fund supports the Advancing Georgia's Leaders in Agriculture and Forestry (AGL) leadership development program.
- AGL Endowed Support Fund
- Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication Department Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for students in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Leadership within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- The ALEC Enrichment Fund supports general activities of the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication including student travel and enrichment opportunities.
- ALEC Student Agency Support Fund provides support for the Student-Centered Agency in the Department of ALEC. The SCA will develop student skills as emerging professionals in an agency setting that works directly with external clients, meeting communication, education & leadership tools.
- Animal and Dairy Science Beef and Meat Research and Teaching Fund supports beef and meat research and teaching for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
- Animal and Dairy Science Discretionary Fund supports the general activities of the Department of Animal and Dairy Science – the department's general fund.
- ADS Graduate Student Association Support Fund provides support Graduate Students in Animal Dairy Science Department.
- Animal and Dairy Science Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for students in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Animal Breeding and Genetics Group Support provides support to the Animal Breeding and Genetics Group.
- Block and Bridle Club Scholarship Provides scholarship support for undergraduate students in the Block and Bridle Club who exhibit leadership and good character, and who have helped to advance animal agriculture.
- Boyd - Rebecca and Louis J. Boyd Dairy Scholarship Fund Provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student in Animal and Dairy Science within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Dairy Teaching and Research Fund provide support for dairy science related activities involving teaching, research and outreach which may include general expenses incurred and to sponsor various activities and/or functions of students clubs, teams or groups.
- Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Molecular Cell Biology Support supports research in molecular cell biology.
- Lea - Mark A. Lea Memorial Scholarship Fund provides an annual, need-based scholarship to an undergraduate student in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
- Lowrey - Robert S. Lowrey Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
- Lynn - Emory Lynn Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
- Mason - Dr. Jaque V. Mason Graduate Student Support Fund provides support for a graduate student(s) in the college who is doing research through the Regenerative Bioscience Center.
- Mastitis Support Fund - provides support for the UGA Teaching Dairy and needs in dairy animals related to heat stress, mammary health, mastitis, and milk quality.
- Neurodegenerative and Neural Repair Research Fund supports research on neurodegenerative and neural repair mechanisms.
- RBC Translational Neural Repair and Regeneration (TNRR) Support Fund provides support for the Translational Neural Repair & Regeneration Laboratory for work in evaluating neuroprotective & regenerative therapies and novel diagnostics such as stroke and traumatic brain injury.
- Thames Sr., H.D., Academic Support Fund recognizes students within the animal and dairy science department.
- UGA Block and Bridle Club Support Fund provides support for the UGA Block and Bridle Club and their related activities.
- UGA Cattlemen's Association Club Support Fund provides support for the UGA Cattlemen’s Association Club at UGA.
- UGA Livestock Judging Team Fund is used to financially support the UGA Livestock Judging Team.
- UGA Meat Judging Team Fund is used to financially support the activities of UGA Meat Judging Team.
- Colville - William Colville Academic Support Fund provides graduate students in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences monetary assistance for travel to American Society of Agronomy meetings.
- Crabb - George Arthur Crabb Graduate Fellowship Fund provides a graduate fellowship(s) in memory of George Arthur Crabb, a founding member of Alpha Zeta Honorary Fraternity.
- Crabb - Thomas Nathan Crabb Scholarship Fund supports an annual scholarship for a graduate student in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.
- Crop and Soil Sciences Department Discretionary Fund supports general programming in the crop and soil sciences department – the department's general fund.
- Crop and Soil Sciences International Study Fund supports study abroad experiences for students in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.
- Georgia Agronomist Fund supports the general programming of the crop and soil sciences department.
- Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar Chair in Crop Genomics supports a faculty chair for crop genomics in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.
- Hybrid Bermudagrass Breeding and Research Fund supports research for hybrid bermudagrass.
- Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics supports the Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics.
- McGill - J. Frank McGill Scholarship provides scholarship support for a rising junior or senior, majoring in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.
- Soil Judging Support Fund provides support to the UGA Soil Judging Team.
- Tolbert - The Clint Tolbert Student Enhancement Endowment supports educational enhancement opportunities for students in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.
- Woodruff - John and Ina Woodruff Scholarship Fund - Addendum provides scholarship support for a rising junior or senior student enrolled in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences with a declared major in crop, soil, or environmental sciences.
- CNI Ag Graduate Student Award Fund provides an award for a graduate student in the Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management degree program.
- Entomology Department Discretionary Fund provides general support for the entomology department.
- Fattig - P.W. Fattig Entomology Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to undergraduate students in entomology.
- Janvier - Amy Joy Janvier Study Abroad Scholarship Fund provides study abroad scholarship support for a junior or senior student in the Department of Entomology.
- Lund - H.O. Lund Entomology Scholar provides scholarships to graduate students in the field of entomology.
- Lund Professorship for Urban Entomology and Structural Pest Management supports a professorship in entomology and structural pest management.
- Orkin Distinguished Professor Fund holder shall be engaged in teaching, research, public service, or a combination of such duties. The professor will conduct research and/or extension activities in the area of urban entomology.
- Ross - Herbert H. Ross Memorial Fund provides support funds to graduate students in the entomology department.
- Ross - Herbert H. and Jean A. Ross Memorial Distinguished Professorship in Insect Systematics and Evolutionary Biology Endowment Fund
- Schaer - Myron H. Schaer Honey Bee Fund supports research on honey bees and crop pollination.
- Schmidt's Entomology Student Select Speakership Fund provide support for a student-selected speakership in the department.
- The Sparks Family Enrichment Fund provides support for educational enrichment opportunities to students in the Department of Entomology and honors Dr. Beverly Sparks' work in the field of entomology.
- Weathersby - A.B. Weathersby/R. Barclay McGhee Scholarship Fund provides graduate assistantships in entomology.
- Whisenant - Bill and Alcy Whisenant Scholarship Fund Provides annual scholarship support for a rising junior or senior student in the College of Ag, with first preference for those who are majoring in Entomology.
- The American Association of Candy Technologists Scholarship Fund provides support to one or more annual scholarships for graduate or undergraduate students (second year or after) in the Department of Food Science and Technology with interests in confectioneries.
- Andrews - Joe W. Andrews Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- Ayres - John C. Ayers Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- Chinnan - Dr. Manjeet S. Chinnan Graduate Student Support Fund supports a graduate student in food science on the UGA Griffin Campus.
- Dairy Products Research Academic Support Fund supports the research and/or development of dairy food products or related dairy industry research.
- Edmunds Family Foundation Food Science Fellowship Fund
- Flavor of Georgia Addendum provides support for Flavor of Georgia, a food product contest for Georgia based businesses where they are judged on flavor, use of ‘local’ Georgia ingredients, Georgia theme, unique/innovative qualities, commercial appeal, and potential market volume
- Food Quality Enhancement Fund supports general programming in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- Food Science and Technology Department Fund supports the general programming of the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- Lillard - Dorris A Lillard Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- Loewenstein - Dr. Morrison and Genevieve Loewenstein Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to undergraduate and/or graduate students in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- McWatters - Kay McWatters Endowed Program Support Fund in Food Science and Technology provides support for the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Georgia Griffin Campus. Support shall include, but not be limited to awards, equipment, research, supplies, travel and any other related expenses deemed appropriate.
- Nakayama - Tommy Nakayama Award Endowment Fund recognizes and encourage continued excellence within the Food Science and Technology Department on the UGA Griffin campus through a yearly award to a member(s) of its faculty, student body or staff for outstanding performance and/or contributions to the department or field of food science and technology.
- Powers - John J. Powers Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to a graduate student in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- Singh - Rakesh Singh Food Science and Technology Graduate Student Research Support Fund provides support for students in the department who are conducting graduate program required research.
- Tedford/Tellico Inc. Scholarship provides an annual need and merit-based scholarship to an undergraduate student in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- The Toledo Graduate Student Support Fund supports graduate students in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- Woodroof - J.G. Woodruff Lecture Fund supports the J.G. Woodroof Lecture Series.
- Angle - Teresa Angle Graduate Student Support Fund provides support for graduate students in the Department of Horticulture.
- Archer - Grady C. Archer Memorial Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship to a undergraduate student in the Department of Horticulture.
- Armitage - Allan M. Armitage Professorship Fund establishes a professorship in the Department of Horticulture.
- Buckhead Men's Garden Club Horticulture Graduate Student Support Fund provides additional support to enhance graduate student assistantships and research projects in the Department of Horticulture.
- Collins - Cecil L. Collins Floriculture Enrichment Fund provides general support to the Department of Horticulture.
- Controlled Environment Horticulture Support Fund provides support for Controlled Environment Agriculture with focus on specialty crops within the department of Horticulture.
- Couvillon - Gary and Nancy Couvillon Student Enhancement Endowment supports student educational enhancement, including scholarships, travel and internship programs.
- Dirr - Albert F. Dirr Scholarship provides a scholarship to a dedicated and passionate undergraduate Horticulture student.
- Dirr - Michael A. Dirr Professorship Fund establishes a professorship in the Department of Horticulture, with emphasis on the study of woody ornamental plants.
- Dooley - Vincent J. Dooley Professorship in Horticulture funds a professorship in the Department of Horticulture, with a focus on ornamental horticulture.
- Extension Horticulture Enrichment Fund enhances the UGA Extension horticulture program.
- Ferree - Dr. Maurice E. "Butch" Ferree Scholarship in Horticulture Fund provides a scholarship for Georgia residents who are rising juniors or seniors majoring in Horticulture.
- Friends of UGArden Endowed Support Fund provides support for UGArden, a student community farm at the University of Georgia. Support shall include, but not be limited to, operating expenses, equipment, supplies, student workers/interns.
- The Garden Study Abroad Fund supports the study abroad program in the horticulture department.
- Georgia Master Gardener Scholarship provides an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student in the Department of Horticulture.
- Green Brothers Nursery Scholarship Fund provides in-state tuition to horticulture students.
- Horticulture Club Scholarship provides scholarships to students in plant pathology and horticulture.
- Horticulture Enrichment Fund supports the general activities of the Department of Horticulture.
- Lund Week Support Fund provides support for the Department's Lund Week.
- McHatton - T.H. McHatton Horticulture Endowment Fund supports applied research and teaching programs in the Department of Horticulture.
- NeSmith Professorship in Blueberry Breeding the holder of the Professorship shall be engaged in teaching, research, public service, or a combination of such duties consistent with the purpose of the Professorship.
- Organic Agriculture Program Support Fund supports the Certificate Program in Organic Agriculture.
- Smalley - Ralph R. and Dorothy Smith Smalley Student Enhancement Endowment provides support for educational enhancement opportunities for undergraduate students in the Department of Horticulture.
- Smith - Gerald Smith Horticulture Scholarship provides scholarship support for students in the Horticulture Department within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Thomas - Paul Thomas Floriculture Scholarship Endowment Fund provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student majoring in horticulture with plans to pursue a career in floriculture.
- Tinga - Jake Tinga Horticulture Academic Support Fund provides an annual scholarship to undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Horticulture.
- Trial Gardens Support Fund provides support for the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia. The Garden evaluates the newest ornamental plants from top breeding companies worldwide, with a focus on research, teaching, and the introduction of new crops.
- van Iersel - Marc van Iersel Exploratory Travel Award provides funding to expose graduate students to research programs outside of the University of Georgia through short-term visits to other universities, government research labs, private companies or similar research facilities or centers of excellence.
- The Viticulture and Enology Fund supports the CAES viticulture and enology program.
- Watts - Velma Watts Scholarship Fund To provide scholarship aid for undergraduate and/or graduate students in the Horticulture Department of the University of Georgia. Selection shall be based on merit and academic achievement along with demonstration of excellent character and leadership qualities. The recipient shall be a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States.
- Wright - John B. Wight, Jr. Horticultural Graduate Fellowship
- Zachs - Eric Zachs Horticulture Undergraduate Scholarship provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student majoring in Horticulture within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Caldwell - Gwendolyn Burton Caldwell Plant Pathology Graduate Scholarship provides support for graduate students in the Department of Plant Pathology.
- Luttrell - E.S. Luttrell Seminar Series supports a seminar series in plant pathology.
- The Plant Pathology Fund supports teaching and research programs in plant pathology.
- Plant Pathology Scholarship and Award Fund provides scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students in plant pathology.
- Arrendale - Thomas A. Arrendale, Jr. Student Enhancement Endowment in Poultry Science supports student educational enhancement experiences in the poultry science department.
- Arrendale - William Lee Arrendale Student Enhancement Endowment in Poultry Science supports student educational enhancement experiences in the poultry science department.
- Assist Scholarship Fund provides support to award an annual scholarship to an undergraduate student majoring in poultry science and/or State 4-H Poultry Contest winners.
- Bekkers - John Bekkers Professorship in Poultry Science funds a professorship in the poultry science department.
- Caswell Student Challenge Fund in Poultry Science provides scholarships to outstanding students in biological and agricultural engineering and poultry science.
- Crider - Billy Crider Student Enhancement Endowment in Poultry Science provides support for undergraduate students majoring in poultry science or avian biology, in honor of Billy Crider.
- Crider - W.A. Crider, Sr. Student Enhancement Endowment in Poultry Science provides student support for undergraduate students majoring in poultry science or avian biology.
- Cummickel - William R. Cummickel Poultry Science Endowment Fund provides annual scholarships to undergraduate students majoring or minoring in poultry science.
- Durr - Roy and Maye Durr Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for poultry science students.
- Fletcher - Dr. Daniel L. Fletcher Poultry Science Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student(s) in the Department of Poultry Science who is majoring in Poultry Science and/or Avian Biology.
- Gay - Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Gay Memorial Fund provide support for a graduate student in poultry science.
- Georgia Egg Commission Student Support Fund provides scholarships for poultry science and avian biology undergraduate students.
- Harrison Poultry Science Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to undergraduate students in the poultry science department.
- Hatfield - Joe S. Hatfield Student Enhancement Endowment in Poultry Science supports student programs in the poultry science department.
- Huston - Till M. Huston Scholarship provides scholarship grants for undergraduate students majoring in poultry science.
- Lacy - Mike Lacy Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student(s) in the Department who is majoring in Poultry Science and/or Avian Biology.
- Massey - Abit and Henry Massey Student Enhancement Fund provides educational enhancement opportunities for students in good standing with an interest in majoring in Poultry Science or Avian Biology and pursuing a career in the poultry industry.
- May - Winston May Student Enhancement Endowment in Poultry Science provides student support for undergraduate students in poultry science or avian biology.
- Poultry Science Building Fund the initial purpose of the Fund is to provide support for the construction of the Poultry Science building and facilities.
- Poultry Science Development provides general support for the poultry science department through the department's general fund.
- Poultry Science Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for students in the Department of Poultry Science within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Poultry Science Recruitment Fund provides support for the student recruitment efforts of the Department of Poultry Science in order to attract youth toward a poultry science career path.
- Ratner - Milton M. Ratner Agriculture and Poultry Science Fund promotes agriculture and poultry science research.
- Rice - Dr. John T. Rice and Margaret M. Rice Graduate Fellowship Fund provides support for graduate students in the Department of Poultry Science whose studies focus on poultry disease and disease prevention.
- Shutze - John V. Shutze Poultry Science Scholarship provides an undergraduate scholarship in Poultry Science.
- Wyatt - Roger Wyatt Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student(s) in the Department who is majoring in Poultry Science and/or Avian Biology.
- 4-H General Fund
- Chatham County Cooperative Extension Program Fund supports Chatham County Cooperative Extension programs.
- Colquitt County Cooperative Extension Program Support Fund supports Colquitt County Cooperative Extension programs.
- Extension Irrigation Demonstration Site Support Fund
- Floyd County Cooperative Extension Youth Development Fund supports Floyd County Cooperative Extension youth development programs.
- Fowler 4-H Agent Endowment
- Friends of the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm provides support to the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, GA - a Cooperative Extension unit within the College of Agricultural and Environmentla Sciences.
- Fulton Fresh Mobile Farmers Market Program Fund delivers nutritional education and distributes at least 16,000 pounds of locally grown fruits and vegetables to more than 2,000 residents of food desert neighborhoods.
- The Gwinnett County Cooperative Extension Fund
- Muscogee County Cooperative Extension Youth Development Endowment supports Muscogee County Cooperative Extension youth development programs.
- Hackney - Patricia Dabbs Hackney Youth Development Program Support Fund is an endowed fund to support Chatham County Cooperative Extension youth development programs.
- Jenkins - Ted and Gerrye Jenkins Outstanding Leadership Scholarship Fund
- Polk County Cooperative Extension Fund supports Polk County Cooperative Extension programs.
- Polk County Cooperative Extension Program Support Endowment supports the Polk County Cooperative Extension program.
- Pulaski County Cooperative Extension Program Support Endowment supports Pulaski County Cooperative Extension programs.
- Rock Eagle Fund
- Southern Outlook Conference Support Fund provides community outreach support for South Georgia Cooperative Extension offices.
- Tift County Cooperative Extension and 4-H Program Support Endowment supports Tift County Cooperative Extension programs.
- UGA Cooperative Extension benefits the programs and expenses of the Cooperative Extension Department at the University of Georgia.
- Attapulgus Research and Education Center
- Bryan - Joe Bryan Peanut Endowment provides support for peanut research and outreach efforts and to defray critical needs of the peanut research team to continue to advance and grow the research outcomes of the program, including specialty projects that are of direct impact for growers and those impacted by the industry.
- Bryan - Joe Bryan Peanut Research Fund provides support for peanut research and outreach efforts and to defray critical needs of the peanut research team to continue to advance and grow the research outcomes of the program, including specialty projects that are of direct impact for growers and those impacted by the industry.
- J.P. Campbell Research and Education Center
- Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center Support Fund provides critical support for conducting research and for sharing the results with our stakeholders.
- Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center Endowment Fund enriches support beyond standard funding for the Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Hemp Research and Development Support Fund provides support for hemp research and development in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
- Mastitis Support Fund - provides support for the UGA Teaching Dairy and needs in dairy animals related to heat stress, mammary health, mastitis, and milk quality.
- Northwest Research and Education Center
- Southeast Research and Education Center
- Southwest Georgia Research and Education Center Fund provides critical support for conducting research and for sharing the results with our stakeholders.
- Stripling - C.M. Stripling Irrigation Park
- UGA Peanut Team Research Fund provides support for current research topics on peanut production in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.