Water Quality Affects on Poultry Operations.


The poultry industry is the largest sector of the economy in Franklin County, with a total economic impact of $368,924,000. Educational programs are needed to help assist producers in getting the highest return from their operations.


Franklin County is one of the top poultry counties in the state, with poultry making up just over 93 percent of the total farm gate value. Commercial poultry production is a difficult area to offer extension programming, because of bio security and regulations placed on the growers by the poultry companies. Water quality should be a concern to all poultry producers and companies. Poor water quality may interfere with digestion and bird performance, in addition the effectiveness of vaccines and medications administered through the water supply could also be reduced when water quality is low. Water contaminants could create equipment problems that would either restrict the amount of water available for consumption or the effectiveness of the evaporative cooling and fogging systems. Reduced water consumption or cooling capacity may have detrimental effects on both growth and reproduction. Poor water quality could also result in leaky water nipples inside the house, which will wet litter and lead to increased ammonia production. Poor litter quality and high ammonia can result in reduced performance and livability.


Poultry Programming in Franklin County started as a response to Avian Influenza back in 2016, poultry companies ask the county agent to come and be a part of meetings held for growers to assist with bio security education. This has been followed up with updates offered over the last year with various companies to insure that producers are staying up to date with practices to protect their farms. This opportunity led to other programs that were offered to service technicians throughout different areas of production with specific companies. The main focus of these programs was to offer water quality education to the service technicians that they can then utilize when assisting growers. Programs were set up during the weekly meetings with the different divisions within the poultry company. Education focused on how to properly take water samples and then how to read the report and how it relates to poultry production.


The company submitted water samples for 11 farms through the Franklin County Extension Office that needed corrective measures. From that filters were installed and wells were treated accordingly depending on the issue at each individual farm. In some cases drinking lines were replaced due to corrosion and issues with individual lines. From that all 11 farms saw an increase in feed conversion and weight gain. According to one broiler manager feed, conversion was down 2 points, and pounds of production was up 20 points. One grower moved from last position on the company rankings to first. An average increase of $5000.00 per farm per flock, for a total annual impact of $302,500.00. This is a direct result of poultry taking in more water and farmers being able to administer effective vaccines through proper water quality and consumption.

State Issue

Other Programming


  • Year: 2018
  • Geographic Scope: County
  • County: Franklin
  • Program Areas:
    • Agriculture & Natural Resources


    Fitzpatrick, Raymond Garland
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