News Stories - Page 90

Tamlin and Mr. 2 17 at Doppler Studios in Atlanta GA CAES News
CAES alum encourages teen mental wellness with new documentary series
This National Suicide Prevention Month, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences alum Tamlin Hall has launched a new documentary series for middle and high schoolers, exploring anxiety, depression, bullying, human trafficking, inclusion and more.
4-H'ers from Ben Hill County get a tour of a Vietnam War-era helicopter from a member of the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation in Hampton, Georgia, at the Mission Make-It event. CAES News
The sky’s the limit at Georgia 4-H engineering challenge
It’s not every day that a helicopter lands on Cloverleaf Circle at Rock Eagle 4-H Center, but for nearly 200 4-H youth and adults, it was a spectacular sight to see during Mission Make-It in late August. Youth attending the annual non-competitive engineering challenge offered by Georgia 4-H explored a Vietnam-era helicopter, getting up close and personal tours provided by members of the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation in Hampton, Georgia.
Joro1 tiny MG 1294 CAES News
Joro spiders cloak north Georgia in their webs
Millions of palm-sized Joro spiders have suspended themselves in three-dimensional golden webs on porches, power lines and mailboxes in roughly 25 counties in the state — and counting. Although their numbers are a nuisance, the spiders are not considered a particularly harmful invasive species.
Lakecia Pettway serves as both a resource and a mentor for students as the director of the Office of Diversity Affairs at CAES. CAES News
CAES programs support recruitment, retention of inclusive student body
Recruiting a diverse student body is a focus throughout the University of Georgia, but keeping students engaged and successful once they are on campus is a whole different mission, said Lakecia Pettway, director of the Office of Inclusive Excellence at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Often planted to create borders or buffers, Leyland cypress trees can grow four feet taller in just a year. Planting too close together or too close to structures can present a huge problem as the tree matures. CAES News
Leyland cypress trees often planted incorrectly
Leyland cypress are one of the most commonly planted landscape trees, but poor site selection and disease pressure may soon send them the way of red tips and Bradford pears.
Harris story CAES News
Georgia 4-H’er selected as runner-up for National 4-H award
National 4-H Council has announced that CJ Harris of Covington, Georgia, is a runner-up for the 2022 4-H Youth in Action Award for STEM. Harris is recognized nationally for his work to use 3D printing to effectively and cheaply produce prosthetic limbs for children.
CAES Dean Nick Place and Associate Dean Joe Broder with CAES Congressional Agricultural Fellows CAES News
Congressional Agricultural Fellowship creating generations of leaders
For more than 20 years, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) has encouraged students to explore an important, yet often overlooked, side of Georgia’s leading industry. Since its creation in 1997, the Congressional Agricultural Fellowship has offered 123 students a firsthand look into the world of agricultural policy by placing them in legislative offices located in our nation’s capital. Each summer, a handful of CAES students move to Delta Hall in Washington, D.C., to represent the college and serve as agricultural liaisons in Georgia’s congressional offices.
Entomosporium leaf spot on Photinia (Red Tip). Small reddish leaf spots appear initially. As spots age, center is grayish with a dark purple border. Leaf spots may coalesce causing severe leaf blight. Severely infected leaves drop prematurely. Over time severely infected plants die. Infection is favored by poor air circulation and prolonged periods of leaf wetness. CAES News
Rainy weather brings leaf spot disease
Excessive rain signals another a bad year for leaf spot diseases on landscape trees and shrubs. The leaf spotting that affects pear trees, including both edible pears and ornamental Bradford types, is caused by a fungal disease known as Entomosporium leaf spot. This disease also affects related shrubs such as Indian hawthorn and red tip photinia.
College of Veterinary Medicine faculty member Corrie Brown will administer a new U.S Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service grant that will allow UGA to host and train visiting veterinary and agricultural educators from Africa. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker) CAES News
UGA to host Faculty Exchange Program in African Veterinary Science
UGA’s interdisciplinary host team comprises the College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Office of Global Engagement. The program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service, is designed to help developing countries in Africa improve their university agricultural education, research and extension programs by providing one semester of training at U.S. land-grant agricultural universities.