News Stories - Page 87

Don't toss your decorative pumpkins and jack-o'-lanterns in the trash this year, use these tips for sustainable disposal. CAES News
Pumpkin carving gone green
Every year after the autumn holidays, more than 1 billion pounds of pumpkins are thrown away. National Pumpkin Day, Oct. 26, kicks off a week of multiplying cucurbit decor, so celebrate this year by learning how to dispose of your pumpkins in a more sustainable way.
Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black will be recognized as the 2021 National Friend of Extension during the Epsilon Sigma Phi National Conference in Savannah, Georgia, Oct. 25-28. CAES News
Commissioner Gary Black named 2021 National Friend of Extension
Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary W. Black has been recognized as the 2021 National Friend of Extension by Epsilon Sigma Phi for his outstanding support for Extension. Commissioner Black was nominated for the national recognition by the University of Georgia's Alpha Beta chapter after being selected as the Georgia recipient in 2020.
leafcutter bee on mountain mint (1) CAES News
Protecting pollinators during the fall season
Pollinator conservation does not stop when the weather turns cool. There are a few items you can add to your pollinator to-do list for the fall and early winter to help pollinators next spring.
food waste (1) CAES News
UGA crop specialist combats postharvest food waste with research and education
Agricultural producers around the world are constantly faced with risks to their crops from disease, weather and pests, but even more losses occur after crops are harvested. In fact, nearly a third of all the food produced worldwide — approximately 1.3 billion tons — is lost to food wastage each year.
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The Bulldogs behind the Georgia jack-o’-lantern
The quest for the perfect pumpkin each fall doesn’t start at the local patch. In fact, it starts up to 10 years prior for researchers like University of Georgia plant geneticist Cecilia McGregor. McGregor leads breeding efforts in the selective pumpkin variety called the ‘Orange Bulldog’, following the retirement of the program’s founder, horticulturist George Boyhan.
Five members of the faculty and staff of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) and UGA Cooperative Extension have been honored as members of the Fruit and Vegetable 40 Under 40 Class of 2021. CAES News
CAES researchers, Extension professionals honored in Fruit and Vegetable 40 under 40
Five members of the faculty and staff of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and UGA Cooperative Extension have been honored as members of the Fruit and Vegetable 40 Under 40 Class of 2021.
AGL d7533f93 cdcd 4602 a0cd 2dc7de95e3d9 CAES News
UGA’s AGL group attends national agriculture policy institute
In September, 14 members of the 2021 class of Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in Agriculture and Forestry (AGL) had the opportunity to hone their skills in advocacy and communication by attending a national agriculture policy institute in Washington, D.C., where they engaged with a variety of stakeholders in agriculture and forestry.
The renovated chapel at Rock Eagle 4-H Center received an award from the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. CAES News
Rock Eagle Chapel restoration wins prestigious award
Georgia 4-H was one of 20 historic preservation projects honored by the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation during its 44th annual Preservation Awards ceremony in Macon in October. Georgia 4-H was specifically honored for Excellence in Restoration for its exemplary restoration of the Rock Eagle 4-H Center Chapel.
John Ruter, University of Georgia, CAES News
Are your trees boys or girls — or both?
Female flowers and female trees produce fruit and seeds. Male flowers and trees produce pollen. Making the correct choice of tree gender can be important. Anyone who has ever smelled putrid ginkgo fruit, washed mulberries off their car or sneezed at tree pollen should understand.