News Stories - Page 47

All mosquitoes require standing water for their larval and pupal stages to develop. As a result, any standing water that can be eliminated now is one less site where pest populations can develop when temperatures warm in the coming weeks. CAES News
Wet winter weather points to active mosquito season ahead
As January transitions to February, few of us are thinking about mosquitoes and the multitude of problems they can cause when spring arrives. But with January rain totals well above normal across the Southeast, it is a good time to take inventory of where standing water is holding and what can be done to eliminate it.
UGA students talk with Georgia residents via a virtual connection in the Charles Schwab Financial Planning Center on campus. CAES News
UGA students offer free tax prep services through VITA program
Beginning Jan. 30, University of Georgia students will again provide free tax preparation services as part of the UGA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. Through a partnership with UGA Cooperative Extension, the program also provides free tax filing services virtually to communities across the state.
More than 6.5 million Americans today are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and that number is expected to double in the next 30 years. With this in mind, the UGA College of Public Health has created the Cognitive Aging Research and Education Center to help assist any Georgia resident developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and provide them with the care and support they need. (Photo by Chancey Phillips) CAES News
A promise fulfilled: Bridging the gaps in Alzheimer’s care
At the same time they were building clinical capacity, the University of Georgia's CARE team was developing a curriculum to educate communities and health care providers about Alzheimer’s and dementia prevention and the need for diagnosis. To help get that curriculum in front of rural communities and providers, they turned to experts at UGA Cooperative Extension.
(Foreground L-R): Farm manager Josh Griffin, assistant professor and extension precision ag specialist Simer Virk and agriculture specialist Kevin Roach talk as a tractor operator plants corn using a precision agriculture system at the Iron Horse Farm. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker) CAES News
Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture awards first seed grants
The University of Georgia’s Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture has awarded eight seed grants to fund initial research for projects at the convergence of agriculture, engineering, computing and related areas of study. The grants, the first of their kind from IIPA, follow a strategic push by the university to improve its industry collaboration across fields of study and support foundational research to advance agriculture and economic development in the state of Georgia.
Ph.D. student Maria Huertas-Diaz counts plaque assays in professor Biao He's lab at the College of Veterinary Medicine. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA) CAES News
UGA posts record $545.6M in research and development spending in FY22
For the first time in its history, the University of Georgia surpassed a half-billion dollars in research and development spending in fiscal year 2022. With total expenditures of $545.6 million — representing a jump of more than 10% from the previous year — UGA did not simply exceed the half-billion mark, it rocketed past it.
The Georgia Capitol's Mental Health Day will include an update on rural mental health from UGA Extension Agent Jennifer Dunn. Mental health advocates will also have the opportunity to discuss their goals with Georgia lawmakers. CAES News
Mental Health Day at Georgia Capitol to highlight rural mental health
Mental Health Day at the Georgia State Capitol will be held from 8 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Jan. 31, to raise awareness of mental health issues and allow mental health advocates to share their insights with lawmakers. The event is an opportunity to increase awareness about mental health and health services, especially for those in rural areas, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agent Jennifer Dunn.
iStock 171572061 (1) CAES News
Where do bees go in the winter?
As temperatures continue to drop and many pollinators fade from view, you may be wondering what happens to bees during the cold season. Do they hibernate? Are they hiding in plain sight? How a bee spends the winter depends on the species of bee, but the insects have an arsenal of strategies to survive the chill, including burrowing, gathering in tight clusters, or hiding in flower stems or leaf piles.
Newly purchased sensors will allow growers to monitor fertilizer movements in their soil over time and adjust irrigation and other production practices to minimize fertilizer loss through leaching. CAES News
UGA Extension helps farmers improve efficiency, save 100 million gallons of water
Over the last few decades, water use-related disagreements between Georgia and its surrounding states have held the spotlight in the Southeast. To address the need for conservation, the Agricultural Water Efficiency Team (AgWET) was created to train University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents to transfer advanced irrigation scheduling knowledge to growers through a unique one-on-one educational approach.
While blueberries are known to be susceptible to postharvest injuries, resulting in fruit softening or splitting during harvest, handling and storage, UGA researchers are trying to figure out why some crops experience greater losses. CAES News
CAES researchers examine blueberry quality issues for Georgia producers
A multidisciplinary team of University of Georgia agriculture experts are working to determine causes and solutions to postharvest quality problems that have hit Georgia’s blueberry growers hard in recent seasons. Funded by the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Office of Research and UGA Cooperative Extension, the project will address “major issues” with fruit quality, particularly in rabbiteye blueberries.