News Stories - Page 452

Engorged bird tick on cedar waxwing CAES News
Scientists asking a favor: send bird ticks
If you're into birding or just enjoy watching the action at your bird feeders, some scientists have a request: look for ticks.
Stable fly CAES News
Compost pile can attract bloodsucking stable flies
Backyard compost piles can be a source of stable flies, and you really don't want that. Stable flies look a lot like houseflies but have one important difference. They bite.
Garden spider in web CAES News
Golden garden spiders trap insects in garden
In the sunny days of spring, you won't even notice the tiny young of some beautiful spiders emerging in your garden. But keep watching. By late summer or early fall, you may be able to see these large, striking spiders as they trap and eat insect pests.
Land planarian or shovel-headed worm CAES News
Shovel-headed garden worms rare, harmless oddities
From time to time, someone somewhere in Georgia turns over a rock or log and finds a grayish brown, flat worm with a head shaped like a half-moon. It's one of those things that, when you find it, you just have to find out what it is.
One pair of house flies can result in over a thousand maggots. CAES News
Houseflies present never-ending control challenge
There are more than 120,000 species of flies in the world. But when most people hear "fly," they think of the housefly. Wherever people are found, houseflies are there, too.
Crop disease risk high on winter bug count
Thrips, tiny insects that can carry a deadly crop disease, have weathered south Georgia’s winter better than usual. Farmers should think about taking precautions this spring.
Valdosta High School football team practices in summer heat CAES News
Weather tool helps teams gauge heat conditions
At Valdosta High School, about 20 miles above the Georgia-Florida line, heat indexes regularly climb above 110 degrees during the summer. With football camp under way, coaches and trainers can use an index at to help players avoid heat stroke.
Scorpion CAES News
Be thankful for uninvited pests in your home
When chill winds blow, the cozy warmth inside your home is inviting. That's why the scorpions, wasps and other uninvited pests show up there. They're called incidental invaders, and they can teach you something about your house.
Hurricane damage to vehicle and home CAES News
Hurricane highlights documented
Remnants of three September hurricanes that ravaged Florida brought areas in Georgia up to 8 inches of rain and 58 mile-per-hour winds, according to data collected by the University of Georgia.