News Stories - Page 399

J. Scott Angle, dean and director of the University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Science. CAES News
High fuel prices hit farmers, food supply hard
For many years commodity and food prices have been so low it’s been hard for American farmers to make a profit and consequently a decent living for their families. Like any business, no profit means farmers will go out of business, forcing food production overseas.
Nathan Smith is a farm economist with the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension on the UGA campus in Tifton, Ga. CAES News
Guarded optimism: Agriculture's been here before
Farming is a volatile business, one with enthusiastic highs matched with devastating falls.
Allan Armitage guides visitors around the UGA Trial Gardens. CAES News
Plantapalooza set April 9
Spring has sprung! And it’s time for Plantapalooza. On April 9, the Trial Gardens at UGA, the State Botanical Garden of Georgia and the UGA Horticulture Club will hold spring plant sales at three different locations in Athens, Ga., from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Each location will offer an array of plants – some rare – and gardening experts to answer questions.
Mike Lacy, Jack Houston and Catherine Keske met with several women's cooperatives in Mali and hope to partner with one of these groups to build and run the model hatchery. CAES News
UGA helps women in Mali help themselves
In February, University of Georgia poultry experts traveled to the West African country of Mali to establish a poultry and biogas program to improve food security and expand economic opportunities for Mali’s rural poor population, especially its women.
Dr. Casey Ritz is an Extension Poultry Scientist with the UGA Poultry Science Department. CAES News
Charcoal supplemented diet reduces ammonia in chickens' litter
According to a University of Georgia poultry specialist, if chickens eat a bit of charcoal it helps lower the amount of ammonia in their manure, which can lead to happier, healthier and more environmentally friendly chickens.
40 Gallon Challenge program logo CAES News
UGA Extension challenges Georgians to save 40 gallons of water each day
A new University of Georgia Cooperative Extension program launched this year challenges Georgians to save 40 gallons of water per day. The 40-Gallon Challenge allows Georgians to compete against other Americans who are taking the challenge in their states.
Wildflowers grow on a hillside at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Native plant and wildflower symposium set for Tifton
The annual South Georgia Native Plant and Wildflower Symposium will be held March 23 at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Ga.
'Bah' team takes bite out of nasty invasive plant
The University of Georgia Grounds Department, in collaboration with several UGA colleges and departments interested in the potential of a novel invasive plant management strategy, has enlisted the help of a shepherd and her small sheep herd to improve access to a major waterway that runs through the UGA campus in Athens.
UGA workshops help landscapers with cost calculations, bidding
To help landscapers better estimate the costs of their jobs and make better bids, the University of Georgia is holding a workshop March 17-18 in Athens, Ga.