News Stories - Page 396

J. Scott Angle, dean and director of the University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Science. CAES News
The new agrarian economy
A report this week from the Foreign Agricultural Service and the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council shows U.S. poultry meat exports in February increased by 15 percent in quantity and nearly 18 percent in value over the same month last year. This signals an improvement in the world economy, but also shows the value of our ports and agriculture’s driving force to improve our economic situation.
A garden hoe lies in a pile of fresh compost. CAES News
Conserve water with compost
Recycling paper and bottles is good for the planet. Recycling food waste into compost is good for your garden, saves water and makes your plants happier, according to a University of Georgia expert.
"Your Southern Garden" host Walter Reeves. CAES News
Propagation, hydroponics, color changes on 'Your Southern Garden' April 23
Propagating from stem cuttings, changing hydrangea colors and building a hydroponic garden are featured on "Your Southern Garden" with Walter Reeves April 23 at noon and 6:30 p.m. on Georgia Public Broadcasting.
Atherigona reversura calls Japan, Indonesia, India and even Hawaii home, but the tiny grass-eating fly was spotted for the first time in the U.S. in Pierce County, Ga., near Savannah, CAES News
Asian grass-eating fly pops up in south Georgia
A tiny Asian fly that feeds on turf and pasture grasses showed up in south Georgia last summer, the first time this species has been documented in the Western Hemisphere.
Farmers markets, like this one in Athens, Ga., allow consumers to connect directly with local farmers like Todd Lister of Veri Best Farm. A rising interest in local food has made farmers markets and community gardens popular across the state. CAES News
Georgia farmers markets offer produce, experience
Farmers markets are popping up across the state. And as the summer harvest nears, they’ll be offering fresh produce and a chance for patrons to get to know the local farmers who grow their food.
A soldier interacts with a 4-H'er during a Georgia 4-H military kids camp. CAES News
Nation's military teens head to Georgia 4-H camp
More than 150 teens from U.S. military families will gather in the north Georgia mountains this July for a week of summer camp at Wahsega 4-H Center in Dahlonega, Ga.
"Your Southern Garden" host Walter Reeves. CAES News
Pruning and honeybee basics on 'Your Southern Garden' April 16
Learn about pruning trees and azaleas, and all about honeybees on "Your Southern Garden" with Walter Reeves April 16 at noon and 6:30 p.m. on Georgia Public Broadcasting.
A push lawn mower CAES News
Use a calendar to track lawn care tasks
Every year, local county Extension offices receive hundreds of phone calls from homeowners with questions about when to do this or that to their lawns. When do I fertilize? When do I plant grass seed? When do I core aerate? When do I apply pre-emergent herbicides?
Golf ball sized hail CAES News
Spring marches in with severe weather
Temperatures were above normal across Georgia in March. Rainfall was highly variable, from a very wet month in Atlanta to dry conditions in southeastern Georgia.