News Stories - Page 389

Green pecans grow on a tree in South Georgia. CAES News
Drought puts squeeze on Georgia pecans
Drought continues to suppress Georgia agriculture, particularly in southwest Georgia, the hub of the state’s pecan production. It could turn what was expected to be an “on” year into an “off” one for pecan growers.
Attendees at the North Georgia Turfgrass Field Day in Gainesville, Ga., on June 29, 2011, check out vendor information. CAES News
Field day launches turf-learning season
The green industry, which includes turfgrass and landscaping, has been hit hard over the past few years of drought and economic downturn. And while most new landscape installations have stalled in recent years, improved management has helped keep many companies in business. And that was the focus of the ninth annual North Georgia Turfgrass Field Day in Gainesville, Ga., June 29.
"Your Southern Garden" host Walter Reeves. CAES News
Ponds, pups, planting plans on 'Your Southern Garden' July 2
Learn about pond care, agave pups and creating planting plans on "Your Southern Garden" with Walter Reeves July 2 at noon and 6:30 p.m. on Georgia Public Broadcasting.
"I am Georgia 4-H" logo CAES News
Protect yourself when posting information to social network sites
Some 37 percent of American 10-to-12-year olds are active members of the social network site Facebook, according to a 2010 study by McAfee. To help Georgia teens stay safe on the Internet, Georgia 4-H specialist Cheryl Varnadoe teaches youths to make wise decisions when posting information to social network sites like Facebook and MySpace.
More than 160,000 children nationwide miss school every day out of fear of being bullied, according to the National Education Association. CAES News
Take note of cyber bullies
Once upon a time, it seemed like the school bully was best known for stealing lunch money and picking on other kids. Today, the news is full of stories about how the modern bully has moved from the lunchroom to the Internet. While the majority of schools now have policies in place about both bullying and technology use in the classroom, bullies who use their home computers may not have the same restrictions.
P.R.I.D.E. trains teens, and their parents, to be better drivers. CAES News
UGA Extension helps train teens to hit the road
The thought of teenage drivers strikes fear into the hearts of parents everywhere. The dangers of talking on the cell phone or texting while driving adds even more worry.
Young boy learning to write his name. May 2010. CAES News
Help students tackle homework with a few expert tips
Although dreaded by most students, homework is an essential part of the learning process. University of Georgia experts say developing a routine, creating a study space and being available for help are the keys to student success with homework.
Girl Scouts CAES News
Overscheduling – what is too much?
Hustling your child from ballet recitals to T-ball games and scouting events to theatre rehearsal may not be the best way to raise a well-rounded child, says a University of Georgia child development specialist.
Rules, boundaries and routines
Making rules, establishing boundaries and setting routines can be challenging for both parents and teachers. But children need rules to guide them, boundaries to give them a sense of safety and routines to give daily life predictability, according to a University of Georgia child development expert.