News Stories - Page 380

Brown marmorated stink bug adults are 5/8 inch in length and are dark mottled brown. Antennas and exposed areas of the abdomen are banded. They were discovered in the U.S. in Allentown, Pa., in 2001. CAES News
New bug stinking up Georgia
More than 200 species of stink bugs call North America home. As many as 60 species live in Georgia. One more was recently discovered in southern South Carolina. The brown marmorated stink bug, or Halyomorpha halys, will likely soon invade Georgia, according to a University of Georgia entomologist.
Peanuts are dug in a field in Seminole County, Ga., Sept. 29, 2011. Prices for this year's crop, which is near half harvested, are running as high as $1,000 per ton. These are the highest prices since the end of the federal quota system in 2002, which regulated U.S. peanut supply each year. CAES News
Peanut farmers dig higher prices
Harshly dry weather, fewer planted acres and good ol’ supply and demand have joined forces to bring peanut farmers the highest prices in two decades for their crop.
Farm to Fork: Making the Connection
For people interested in starting a new food business, the University of Georgia will offer a two-day workshop in Tifton, Ga. Farm to Fork: Making the Connection will be held Nov. 1 and 2 at the National Environmentally Sound Production Agriculture Laboratory.
After just two days of developing in the egg, a chicken's heart beats. Like in human development, the heart is one of the first organs to develop in birds. It beats to circulate blood throughout the chicken's circulatory system so it can grow into a healthy bird. Wings and eyes are easily seen by day six. The chick is ready to hatch after 21 days. CAES News
Chickenology: What comes first?
After just two days of developing in the egg, a chicken’s heart beats. Students discovered the beating organ firsthand after cracking open eggs to learn about embryo development in “Chickenology,” a seminar course offered by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Union Chapel United Methodist Church historic cemeteries- Eatonton, Ga. CAES News
Cemeteries tour set by Rock Eagle 4-H Center
A tour of Union Chapel United Methodist Church’s historic cemeteries has been set for Saturday, Oct. 15, by the Rock Eagle 4-H Center Environmental Education program.
Sweet Vidalia onions in a basket at a roadside stand in Tattnall County, Ga. CAES News
Georgia Sustainable Ag Coalition sets sights on food hubs
Local food hubs may be the next evolution in Georgia’s agricultural industry, turning the state’s largest economic sector into an even larger engine of job creation and rural community revitalization. A meeting is set for Oct. 27 in Athens, Ga., for those who want to support the effort.
Most Georgia farmers plant more than one crop during a season, usually managing a combination of peanuts, cotton, corn or soybeans. Across the board, they are looking at record or record-tying yields in 2009. CAES News
Georgia Peanut Tour celebrates silver anniversary
The Georgia Peanut Tour celebrated its 25th anniversary Sept. 27-29. More than 200 people from 12 states and six countries went on the networking tour, which focused on south Georgia peanut research and production around Bainbridge, Ga., including stops in Miller County, Attapulgus and Blakely.
The 2011 D.W. Brooks Faculty Awards for Excellence were awarded to: (L-R) William Vencill, Teaching; Yen-Con Hung, Research; Casey Ritz, Extension; and Ronnie Barentine, Public Service Extension. CAES News
UGA presents D.W. Brooks Awards to agriculture faculty
Four University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences faculty members were awarded the college’s highest honor Oct. 4 in Athens, Ga., at the annual D.W. Brooks Lecture and Faculty Awards for Excellence.
Pansies come in a wide variety of colors - and shades, like this tricolor variety that has two colors along with its face color. CAES News
Plant pansies now for winter-long color
Pansies are excellent plants to incorporate into your landscape to add color and beauty during the winter months. There are more than 300 cultivars of pansies with an array of colors.