News Stories - Page 376

Pecans are known to be the healthiest of all tree nuts, packing more antioxidants than any other. What isn't so certain is how the heck do you correctly pronounce it? Is it "pee-can" or "pe-cahn"? CAES News
What is the right way to say 'pecan'?
Pecans are known to be the healthiest of all tree nuts, packing more antioxidants than any other. What isn’t so certain is how the heck do you correctly pronounce it? Is it “pee-can” or “pu-cahn”?
Steve Stice and Franklin West with the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences stand with their pigs in Athens in April of 2010. CAES News
Pig induced pluripotent stem cells may be safer than previously thought
Pig stem cells discovered by two animal science researchers at the University of Georgia reveal a better way to determine the safety of future stem cell therapies than rodent-based models.
Atlanta Mission clients graduate from Super Crew Program CAES News
UGA training helps former homeless men prepare for jobs
Finding a job in today’s economy is tough. Being homeless and recovering from an addiction makes it even harder. A new partnership between University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Atlanta Mission is helping homeless men at the mission take the next step in returning to society -- getting jobs.
Barbara Petit, Georgia Organics, tallies up her scores during the 2011 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. CAES News
2012 Flavor of Georgia food product contest accepting entries
High Road Craft Ice Cream won top prize in the dairy division of this year’s Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. Since winning the University of Georgia contest, the company has been growing by leaps and bounds.
Jasmine Erves takes notes during class. CAES News
Economics course studies the value of Walmart
Do you hate shopping at Walmart? A lot of people do. But nearly every American has shopped in one of the stores of this multi-billion dollar enterprise. A University of Georgia professor is using this controversy to introduce students to economics and help them become informed consumers in "Walmart: Good or Evil," a seminar course offered by the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Colquitt County 4-H'ers Joe Wiggins and Ashley Carroll display the pop tabs their county collected. CAES News
4-H'ers collect pop tabs, raise $63,000 for Ronald McDonald Houses
Tiny aluminum soda pop tabs may seem insignificant, but not to Georgia 4-H’ers. Over the past ten years, the youths have collected enough pop tabs to donate $63,248 to Ronald McDonald Houses Charities in Georgia and Tennessee.
Consider size when adding crape myrtles to your landscape. CAES News
Now is the time to plant trees in Georgia landscapes
Arbor Day isn’t until February, but now is the ideal time to add new trees to your landscape.
Do you know a conservation-minded farmer?
Governor Nathan Deal and Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black are now accepting nominations for the 7th annual Governor’s Agricultural Environmental Stewardship Award, which champions producers who incorporate conservation and best management practices into the day-to-day activities of their farms, protecting the state’s natural resources.
Fall is not the best time to prune most trees and shrubs. It is best to wait until late winter, around February or early March. CAES News
Don't prune landscapes now
As the days get shorter and plants go dormant for winter, many homeowners become anxious to prune their landscapes. For most trees and shrubs, pruning in the fall isn’t the best time.