News Stories - Page 373

Agribusiness lawyer Nowell Berreth speaks at the Georgia Ag Forecast in Macon, Ga., on Jan. 23, 2012. CAES News
Georgia ag forecast predicts good year for peanut, pecan growers
Georgians can expect to pay more at the supermarket in 2012. This is good news for peanut and pecan farmers who can expect record prices for their crops.
Fall is not the best time to prune most trees and shrubs. It is best to wait until late winter, around February or early March. CAES News
Pruning classes set for UGA garden in Griffin
Learn proper pruning techniques, what equipment to use and more through up-coming courses on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
Hemlock wood adelgids on an Eastern hemlock branch CAES News
UGA study offers hope for hemlock attack
Thousands of broken trees line the banks of the Chattooga River. The dead gray stabs were once evergreen monsters offering shade to trout and picturesque views to visitors. These Eastern hemlocks are dying rapidly, and University of Georgia researchers are working to save them.
A push lawn mower CAES News
Plan now for lush, green turfgrass this summer
Are you dreaming of lush, green grass for your lawn? There are several steps you can take now, in the cold of winter, to help you enjoy a beautiful lawn in the summer.
Fresh asparagus CAES News
February is asparagus planting time
February is the best month for planting asparagus. Crowns not seed are used to establish asparagus, so check with area garden centers early in case the crowns need to be ordered.
Use separate chemical sprayers when using 2,4-D
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Agent Frank Watson discusses the proper way to dispose of excess chemicals.
J. Scott Angle, dean and director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Flawed lists can steer students in the wrong direction
Media often publish lists – best dressed celebrities; top party schools, and bestselling books. A recent article distributed by Yahoo News detailed what the writer considered the Top 5 “useless” college degrees. Three of the majors on the list are only as useless as your next meal.
Steve Brown is the assistant dean for University of Georgia Cooperative Extension with the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Agriculture gives Georgia's economy a leg up
In a year when Georgia’s economy struggled to get back on its feet, agriculture gave local communities a much-needed boost, according to a report released by the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development.
UGA CAES horticulturist Allan Armitage CAES News
Allan Armitage to lead virtual tour of Ireland gardens at State Botanical Garden
University of Georgia horticulturist Allan Armitage will speak about gardens around the world in a series of talks set to begin Jan. 24 at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia