News Stories - Page 370

Henbit - weed often found in turfgrass lawns CAES News
Spot spray, pull or hoe weeds in winter turfgrass
The majority of weeds that are growing this time of year are called winter annual weeds. Weeds that are actively growing in lawns and pastures include henbit, chickweed, wild radish, buttercup, hop clover and catchweed bedstraw.
UGA study sheds light on aphid vs. wasp evolution
Nature is a system of checks and balances, as is the case between aphids and wasps. Aphids feed on plants; wasps lay eggs inside aphids, killing them and increasing plant production. Some aphids harbor bacterial symbionts, or smaller organisms that live in close association with a host, that provide protection by killing the internally developing wasps. Wasps are able to decipher which aphids are infected and use superparasitism to override the poison.
Endless summer hydrangea CAES News
Aluminum is the key to changing hydrangea bloom color
Often purchased as a gift plant, bigleaf hydrangea can be transplanted in landscapes and enjoyed year after year.
Martin houses CAES News
Hanging gourd houses will attract martins
One of the neat things I remember enjoying about springtime back home was the sound of martins. My daddy’s martin gourds and houses were the envy of the neighborhood. I believe even the most pessimistic people could be cheered up by the joyful chirping of those birds.
Adding mulch to new plant material is essential
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agent Frank Watson explains why adding mulch to new plant material is essential, especially during Georgia's drought conditions.
U.S. currency and credit cards. CAES News
Bouncing checks is expensive but avoidable
Balancing your checkbook each month can save you money. When there isn’t enough money in your checking account to cover a payment, you will be charged high fees by both the financial institution and the grocery store.
Pears hang from a tree in a middle Georgia home landscape. CAES News
Backyard fruit trees need fertile soil, sunny location
Growing fruit trees in the home garden can be an enjoyable, relaxing and rewarding experience. However, success takes careful planning and hard work.
Fresh vegetables grown organically by an Elijay, Ga., farmer CAES News
Heart disease and stroke strike more women than men
Heart disease and stroke kill more women than cancer, lung disease, Alzheimer disease and accidents combined. In fact, women are more at risk for stroke than men.
Freshly ground woodchips CAES News
Lower landscape maintenance by adding natural areas
Many homeowners desire a low-maintenance landscape, but don’t know how to achieve that goal. Following these recommendations from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will help you create an easy-to-maintain, beautiful landscape.