News Stories - Page 369

Orange Azalea blooming at the State Botanical Gardens in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Azaleas need loving care to maintain their beauty
Azaleas in full bloom are a sign that spring has sprung in the South. Georgia’s unpredictable weather has blooms on the Southern favorite popping out early. To keep azaleas at their best, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists offer a few maintenance tips.
Nicki Schroeder, of High Road Craft Ice Cream in Atlanta, scoops a serving of ice cream for the judges at the 2012 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. CAES News
Atlanta ice cream selected as 2012 Flavor of Georgia food contest overall winner
High Road Craft Ice Cream, of Atlanta, was selected as the grand champion of the 2012 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest.
UGA researcher Andy Paterson CAES News
UGA scientist Andy Paterson named Regents Professor
Andrew Paterson, a University of Georgia scientist considered a world leader in the mapping and sequencing of flowering-plant genomes, has been named a Regents Professor, effective July 1, 2012.
A stream runs through the Westbrook Farm at the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Free training offered for land conservation planning professionals
The Conserve Research Program helps landowners protect their land – a precious natural resource. But landowners can’t participate if they don’t know about the program.
Chris and Marilynn Hopkins, of Lyons, stand with Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black and Governor Nathan Deal after receiving the 2012 Governor's Environmental Stewardship Award. CAES News
Young Lyons farmer wins 2012 Governor's Environmental Stewardship Award
Seven years ago Chris Hopkins and his wife Marilynn started their row crop operation on 50 acres of rented land in Toombs County. Since that time, the Hopkins’ farm has grown to encompass 600 acres of cotton, peanuts, corn timber, watermelons and pecans.
A redbud tree (cercis spp.) blooms during springtime on the UGA Griffin Campus CAES News
Springtime is tree-planting time
If you are planning to add to new plant material to your landscape, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists recommend keeping a few things in mind before you dig your first shovel-full of dirt.
Beef cattle graze in a pasture at the University of Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville, Ga. CAES News
Beef cattle field day set at UGA center in Blairsville
Georgia cattle farmers, both large and small scale, will learn useful research-based information at the annual University of Georgia Mountain Beef Cattle Field Day April 18 in Blairsville, Ga.
Mosquito cage in Mark Brown's mosquito endocrinology lab on the UGA Athens campus. CAES News
Early warm weather may mean earlier mosquito problems
This year’s exceptionally warm winter and the early spring temperatures mean Georgians may be dealing with warm weather pests, like ticks and mosquitos, earlier this year.
U.S. currency and credit cards. CAES News
Finance courses for aspiring entrepreneurs offered statewide
Before starting a business, it’s essential that entrepreneurs have their personal finances in order, said University of Georgia consumer economics specialist Michael Rupured. He and other faculty in the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences will be offering workshops on personal finance throughout Georgia during the next several months