News Stories - Page 356

A little planning can make parents and teachers feel safer about food allergies
Sending your child to school can be especially stressful if your child has a food allergy. Don’t worry; you and your child are not alone. Approximately 6 million children under the age of 18 in the U.S. have a food allergy.
U.S. currency and credit cards. CAES News
Protecting a child's identity protects their future
According to the Federal Trade Commission, an estimated 9 million people will become victims of identity theft this year, and 31 percent of those people will be children, teenagers or young adults.
4-H Emblem CAES News
Georgia 4-H helps build leadership through its Step Up and Lead program
Learning how to lead is often the best way for students to graduate high school with the skills needed to succeed in college and beyond.
School buses parked in a row awaiting the end of the school day. CAES News
Back to School 2012
Through Cooperative Extension offices in almost every county, the University of Georgia helps Georgians become healthier, more financially independent and more environmentally responsible.
Child's insulated lunchbox being opened for lunch. August 2008. CAES News
Healthier and greener lunchbox fillers are also often the cheapest options
The prepackaged lunch kits and snacks that often end up in children’s lunch boxes not only contain too much sugar, salt and fat, but they also can be quite expensive.
Camden County hosts green industry update
Camden and Glynn county Extension agents will host a green industry update and workshop for professional landscapers from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. August 28.
Dr. Mike Lacy, department head, University of Georgia Department of Poultry Science CAES News
Midwest drought costs Georgia poultry producers big bucks
Severe drought in the Midwest corn-belt is driving up poultry feed costs in Georgia. Economists and poultry industry experts predict corn costs will increase 50 percent in 2012 compared to typical years. Some economists say corn prices could double by the end of the summer.
Sarah Yeakle of Candler County was among the 2012 presenters in the communications division at 4-H State Congress.  The event culminates a year of hard work and dedication for 4-H'ers across Georgia. CAES News
Georgia 4-H'ers win top honors at annual state congress
Just shy of 260 Georgia 4-H’ers earned the right to compete for Georgia 4-H’s coveted Master 4-H’er title during the annual 4-H State Congress held July 24-27 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta.
Bosede O. Oboh, CEO of ACASC Farms and president of Fate Foundation Alumni Association, learns about pecans at Rutland Farms. Oboh, who is from Nigeria, traveled with other African representatives to the UGA campus in Tifton as part of a State Department program to learn about agriculture in the United States. CAES News
African agricultural delegation visits UGA campus in Tifton
Farmers, entrepreneurs and policymakers — representing 13 different African nations from Mauritania to South Africa — visited the University of Georgia campus in Tifton to learn about farming practices, research and government programs supporting agriculture in Georgia.