News Stories - Page 329

New cabin at Rock Eagle - 2012 CAES News
New state budget funds 17 cabins at Rock Eagle 4-H Center
The cabin renovation project at Rock Eagle 4-H Center got a significant push forward when Gov. Nathan Deal approved a $7.5 million earmark in the state’s 2014 budget for replacement cabins at the Eatonton camp.
A push mower used to mow turfgrass. CAES News
Follow tips from UGA Extension to get a healthy summer lawn
Having a healthy, attractive lawn is an integral part of a beautiful home landscape. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say following these five steps can help you achieve an awe-inspiring lawn this summer.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Peanut farmers encouraged by the farm bill progress
The recent vote by the U.S. House of Representatives Agricultural Committee to approve a five-year, $500 billion farm bill has encouraged Georgia peanut growers and given them hope that some legislation will be decided on this year.
Corn tassels stretch toward the sun in a Spalding County, Ga., garden. CAES News
Organic grain and oilseed workshop set for June 27 in Tifton
There are about 1 million acres of certified organic grain and oil seed fields in the United States, but not many in Georgia. The growing demand for organic grains and seed oils in the southeast could change that. With several new potential mills that can handle organic grain coming on line in Georgia, there are new opportunities to enter this growing market.
Coastal garden sets Father's Day event
Celebrate Father’s Day with two of dad’s favorite things: fishing and antique cars. The Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah will hold Fishing, Food and Antique Autos at the Bamboo Farm on Saturday, June 15 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Joe West (third from right) speaks with legislators in front of the H.H. Tift Building. Located on the University of Georgia campus in Tifton, the building will undergo a complete renovation thanks to the 2014 state budget. Pictured left to right are Sen. Tyler Harper, Rep. Jay Roberts, West, Rep. Sam Watson and Sen. John Crosby. CAES News
UGA Tifton campus funding approved
When Gov. Nathan Deal signed the budget recently passed by the Georgia state legislature, a long-awaited renovation project for the University of Georgia Tifton campus finally moved forward.
Although there is no one-size-fits-all rule to rotational grazing management, to provide forage rest and recovery and improve grazing efficiency, the first step is to get cattle moving. CAES News
Spring conditions ideal for deadly fungus in forage fescue
Cattle producers should watch their herds for signs of fescue toxicosis. Conditions this spring are ideal for the deadly fungus that attacks tall fescue, the predominant forage crop in much of the United States. Forage management is key to prevention.
Georgia Department of Agriculture Retail Program Manager Bruce Varnadoe, from left, Janet Sylvia, digital media specialist with the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Judy Harrison, professor and UGA Extension foods specialist with the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences and GaDOA Regulatory Affairs Manager Craig Nielsen were recently honored with an international award by Blackboard, the company that makes online classroom software Wimba. CAES News
UGA Cooperative Extension and the Georgia Department of Agriculture recognized by Wimba developer
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Georgia Department of Agriculture recently received international recognition for their efforts to help Georgians develop safe produce and products for farmers markets.
Mosquitoes feed on sugar water in Mark Brown's endocrinology lab on UGA's Athens campus. CAES News
The cool spring has kept mosquitoes at bay, but watch out this summer
This year’s unseasonably cool spring has left middle and north Georgia virtually mosquito free so far. But with the return of warmer nights that old familiar buzz won’t be far behind.