News Stories - Page 322

Louis Boyd will be inducted into the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Ag Hall of Fame this year. CAES News
UGA to honor 2013 Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame inductees
The Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame will welcome two new inductees at a ceremony Sept. 20 at 6 p.m. in the UGA Hotel and Conference Center. Claud Adams, known as Georgia’s father of 4-H, and Louis Boyd, a leading animal scientist, were selected by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Association awards committee.
A cucumber vine grows in a backyard garden in Butts County, Ga. CAES News
Wet conditions create perfect setting for tomato, cucurbit diseases
Summer is a great time for fresh local produce, but Georgia summers can present many challenges for gardeners trying to keep crops healthy and alive. This is especially true for tomatoes and cucurbits.
Beef cattle prices are high now and reached historic highs earlier this year. Facing drought and feed shortage, though, southeastern cattle producers still must make tough decisions when it comes to their financial bottom lines and keeping herds healthy. The Southeast Cattle Advisor website was developed by cattle experts with the University of Georgia, Auburn University, University of Florida and Clemson University to be a one-stop shop for cattle producers to get information on how to best manage their risk. CAES News
Master Cattlemen's classes set for Jackson County
University of Georgia Extension will offer the Master Cattlemen’s Program this fall in Jackson County. The program will be held on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. beginning Aug. 22 and ending Oct. 10.
Target spot on cotton CAES News
Farmers trudge through soggy fields to tackle diseases
Rain may be a good thing, but too much of a good thing can become a problem for Georgia farmers.
A mushroom grows through a patch of turfgrass on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin. CAES News
Recent rains have mushrooms popping up
With the recent wet weather, mushrooms are popping up everywhere, particularly in lawns. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say many are poisonous to some degree. At the very least, they will make you sick. At worst, you can die. Don't take the risk.
Photos of goats cleaning up the banks of Tanyard Creek near Baxter Street in Athens. Students from the UGA College of Environment and Design installed the goats as part of service-learning project. CAES News
UGA Extension to hold Master Goat Farmer Course
Northeast Georgia Cooperative Extension agents will host a six-week Master Goat Farmer Certification course at the UGA Livestock Instructional Arena Aug. 6 through Sept. 14.
Recent rainfalls create septic problems for some homeowners
Recent rains left some homeowners tackling septic tank problems. Saturated soils aren’t able to take up additional water from drainfield lines.
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences alum Will Harris CAES News
Will Harris named Georgia Farmer of the Year
Organic farmer Will Harris of White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Ga., has been named the Georgia state winner of the 2013 Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year.
Harley Shook of Gray is shown giving a presentation on film making at the 2013 Georgia 4-H State Congress. CAES News
Georgia 4-H honors top students at annual State Congress
Forty-eight Georgia 4-H’ers earned the coveted title of Master 4-H’er this week at the 71st annual 4-H State Congress held July 23-26 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta.