News Stories - Page 321

Student working at UGA's organic demonstration farm at the Durham Horticulture Farm, at 1221 Hog Mountain Road in Watkinsville. CAES News
UGA sustainable agriculture faculty postpone Twilight Tour at the Organic Research Farm
UGA organic and sustainable agriculture faculty have postponed the July 11 Twilight Tour at the Organic Research Farm in Watkinsville due to this week’s heavy rain and very poor field conditions.
Shelbie Jordan, a Grady County 4-H student, tries to keep a bubble afloat on Tuesday at the Stripling Irrigation Research Park. CAES News
4-H20 camp a fun and educational experience
Water and 4-H make for a good team. Together, they’re making a splash this week as children are educated and entertained about water’s role in everyday life at the sixth annual 4-H2O camp.
Although the exact state average rainfall is still being calculated, it appears that this was the wettest June since 2005, when the state average was almost eight inches of precipitation. However, it is unlikely that this June will surpass the all-time June record of 9.34 inches set in 1900. CAES News
June's rains soaked the state but kept it cooler than normal
Georgia saw a soggy June, with almost all counties receiving more rain than normal and a few cities seeing record-breaking amounts.
Georgia watermelons harvested for delivery. CAES News
Georgia's wet spring causing headaches for watermelon growers
In the first six months of 2013, Georgia received more than 35 inches of rain — more rain than it recorded all of 2012. And because of the heavy rainfall, the state’s watermelon crop has fallen a few weeks behind and faces other potential problems.
Staff members from Rock Eagle 4-H Center are shown checking a frame from a bee hive at the center in Eatonton, Ga. CAES News
Learn some bee biology at Rock Eagle 4-H Center event
Did you know a hive of honeybees has to visit two million flowers to make one pound of honey? Learn more facts about honeybees at the next Saturday at the Rock event set for July 20 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton.
'The earlier, the better' with financial lessons
More than half of American parents — 61 percent according to the Institute of Certified Public Accountants — give an allowance to their children. While the average yearly allowance was $65 a month, or $780 a year, only 1 percent of parents reported their kids saving money.
On-the-go meals and snacks can be healthy and easy
With sports practice, after-school activities and errands, families often struggle to find time for home-cooked meals. But being on the go doesn’t have to mean fast food is on the menu.
New school lunch regulations will be bringing more whole grains and less salt to cafeterias this school year. CAES News
Prepare students to make better school lunch choices by starting at home
Last August, Georgia students returned to school and found some familiar friends missing from their cafeterias — sodium, fat and sugar. This school year, processed grains continue their exit.
By taking kids to the grocery store and encouraging them to help in meal planning, shopping and food preparation, they can learn positive eating habits and become empowered to try new foods and make smarter food choices. CAES News
Promoting health by involving kids in meal planning, grocery shopping
Trying to get a picky eater to pick up a new vegetable can be like pulling teeth, but a trip to the grocery store can help children of all ages broaden their culinary horizons and develop better eating habits.