News Stories - Page 306

Rows of cotton at a farm on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus in 2013. CAES News
Crop rotation a reliable management strategy for farmers
Pesticides are a costly but essential tool farmers use to control plant diseases and insects. Crop rotation continues to be a more reliable and economical management strategy.
Radon test kits should be placed two feet to six feet above the floor in the center of a room. Bedrooms or family rooms are the best rooms to test. Children may be at greater risk of radon exposure. The radon level at a child's breathing level is higher than that found at an adult's. CAES News
Radon testing: Not flashy, but necessary
So we were sitting in a meeting talking about radon. Somebody, bemoaning the lack of awareness of this so-called “silent killer,” said “It’s not sexy,” and I agreed, as I happen to be one of those weirdos who thinks odorless, potentially cancer-causing radioactive gasses is about as appealing as a colonoscopy.
Sleet encases a branch of a leyland cypress tree in Jackson, Ga. CAES News
Protect plants from blast of cold temperatures
To help protect landscape plants from Georgia’s cold temperatures, University of Georgia Extension experts recommend using plastic, straw and, strangely enough, water.
Small flocks of chicken can provide families with eggs, meat and hours of entertainment. CAES News
Northeast Georgia backyard poultry workshop scheduled for Jan. 16

University of Georgia Extension will offer a Backyard Flock Poultry Workshop Jan. 16 in downtown Comer.

The UGA GreenWay logo was designed by Oconee County High School student Tracey Pu. CAES News
Small changes are the key to living green in 2014
With the New Year, many Georgians may be resolving to live greener in 2014. The best way to start may be by making a few small changes at time. Here are a few ways that Georgians can start saving money, conserving natural resources and reducing waste without sending their families into green culture shock.
The UGA GreenWay logo was designed by Oconee County High School student Tracey Pu. CAES News
Resolving to become even greener? Here are some next steps for the already environmentally consious
Many Georgians already recycle, compost and use energy-efficient light bulbs. Even these families can further reduce their impact on the environment. For households looking to become even greener in 2014, here are a few simple changes from University of Georgia Extension that can help cut carbon footprints and natural resource consumption.
Georgia Organics conference 2014 CAES News
Georgia Organics conference includes university, farm experts
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists will be among the organic agriculture experts presenting at the 2014 Georgia Organics Conference set for Feb. 21 – 22 on Jekyll Island, Ga.
U.S. currency and credit cards. CAES News
Persistance, not perfection, is the key to meeting financial goals in 2014
The New Year is an opportunity for fresh starts, and new beginnings. Quitting a bad habit, losing weight, exercising more, and doing better with money are common New Year's resolutions. Year after year, the goal is always to do better in the coming year.
Make fitness a family affair in 2014
It’s hard for adults to keep New Year’s resolutions to get in better shape after the holidays. It can be more complicated to help a child learn better nutrition and exercise habits.