News Stories - Page 297

Landscape equipment, like chainsaws, must be properly maintained to keep them running when landscapers need them. Taking the time to winterize equipment and sharpen blades will help keep garden tools useful longer. CAES News
Small engine maintenance and repair workshop set at UGA Griffin
Is anything more frustrating than finding time to mow your lawn only to discover your lawn mower won’t start? Keeping a chainsaw running is a chore, too. A University of Georgia class, set for April 11, will teach the basic skills needed to maintain small garden and landscape tools and save money in the process.
Walk Georgia. CAES News
Walk Georgia Night draws 300-plus participants to Hawks-Nuggets game, related festivities
About 350 participants scored tickets to last Saturday’s Walk Georgia Night with the Atlanta Hawks. This is an annual event offered by the University of Georgia Extension’s Walk Georgia program that gets attendees involved in special activities and into the game for just $15.
The University of Georgia Insect Zoo Open House will feature a photo booth, live bug exhibits, roach races, beetle tractor pulls and more. Daring visitors can try tasty snacks made from insects. CAES News
UGA Insect Zoo Open House set for April
The University of Georgia Bug Dawgs of the UGA Entomology Department will host the 29th Annual Insect Zoo Open House on Friday, April 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in front of the Miller Plant Science Building on the campus in Athens.
As of Aug. 1, Professor Jeffrey Dorfman is serving as the state fiscal economist of Georgia. CAES News
UGA students learn to balance federal budget
Non-essential agencies of the federal government were shut down in October 2013 because politicians could not agree on how to fund them. Although balancing the federal budget may seem difficult, a University of Georgia economics professor taught his students how to do so in just one semester.
Nancy Hinkle CAES News
UGA entomologist Nancy Hinkle receives regional 2014 Recognition Award in Urban Entomology
The Entomological Society of America’s Southeastern Branch presented University of Georgia entomologist Nancy Hinkle with its 2014 Recognition Award in Urban Entomology.
Tim Young, center, receives the Flavor of Georgia grand prize for his Georgia Gold Clothbound Cheddar from Gov. Nathan Deal and Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black on March 18. CAES News
Elberton cheese maker wins 2014 Flavor of Georgia
Elberton farmer, cheese maker and local food advocate Tim Young took home the grand prize from the 2014 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest on March 18. The annual contest, conducted by the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, is a chance for food businesses to showcase their new products.
Despite a few nights with single-digit low temperatures, Georgia experienced a near normal winter. CAES News
Winter near average for Georgia in spite of some cold mornings
Despite some bone-chilling days with single digit lows, Georgia’s winter was about average in both temperature and precipitation.
Georgia Farmer of the Year Philip Grimes receives a plaque from Gov. Nathan Deal, on right, and Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, on left. CAES News
Tift County farmer recognized as Georgia's farmer of the year
Philip Grimes, who grows peanuts, cotton, cantaloupes, snap beans and broccoli in Tift County is dedicated to achieving maximum yields through sound conservation practices. The 2014 recipient of the Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Georgia Farmer of the Year award has long been the envy of Tifton’s agricultural neighborhood.
Pecans on the ground in an orchard on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. CAES News
Rain, disease limited Georgia's 2013 pecan crop
Georgia’s 2013 pecan crop was not as plentiful as farmers hoped for, and one University of Georgia expert says this year’s crop could be even worse — if history repeats itself.