News Stories - Page 290

Dario Chavez, the University of Georgia's new peach specialist, holds a few of the first crop of 2014 Georgia peaches. CAES News
New UGA peach specialist listening, learning from Georgia growers
As the University of Georgia’s new peach specialist, Dario Chavez’s first order of business is to listen. While he’s waiting for the new research orchard on the UGA Griffin Campus to be planted and develop, Chavez is hearing what Georgia peach growers have to say and planning projects to meet their needs.
Rows of cotton at a farm on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus in 2013. CAES News
UGA set to host cotton scout school
Cotton scout trainings hosted by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are set for June.
Dr. Clifton Baile, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Agricultural Biotechnology CAES News
UGA mourns passing of Obesity Initiative director Clifton A. Baile
Clifton A. "Cliff" Baile, a D.W. Brooks Distinguished Professor and GRA Eminent Scholar in Biotechnology at the University of Georgia whose recent research focused on the physiology and biochemistry of obesity and bone disorders, died May 19 following a cerebral aneurysm. He was 74.
Corn and rye residue, part of a conservation tillage system on Barry Martin's farm in Hawkinsville, Georgia. CAES News
UGA expert supports no-till farm's water-saving qualities
University of Georgia Extension water resource specialist Gary Hawkins is a devoted advocate of conservation tillage, but not for the typical reason. He appreciates its soil-building qualities, but what won his support is the water resources it saves.
Poison ivy grows up a tree in Jackson, Ga. CAES News
Kill weeds now before they take over vegetable garden, landscape
Growing a vegetable garden consists of more than just keeping the plants healthy. It’s also about making sure the weeds don’t take over.
Sarah Nutt, a student in the UGA Certificate Program in Organic Agriculture, harvests an end-of-the-semester turnip from her classes field on South Milledge Avenue. CAES News
UGA organic students enjoy the fruits of their labor
Homegrown vegetables always taste better, but they’re even tastier when they’re prepared by the hands of a professional chef. To celebrate the end of the semester, Chef Rob Harrison — of the University of Georgia’s Georgia Center Hotel and Conference Center — turned vegetables grown by UGA’s Organic Agricultural Systems students into delectable plates of food, worthy of any foodie’s Twitter feed, Facebook post or Instagram account.
Photos of goats cleaning up the banks of Tanyard Creek near Baxter Street in Athens. Students from the UGA College of Environment and Design installed the goats as part of service-learning project. CAES News
UGA Extension Master Goat Farmer course set for metro Atlanta this summer
University of Georgia Extension agents of Fulton County will host a six-week Master Goat Farmer Certification course Aug. 5 through Sept. 13.
UGA Extension celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2014, and past Extension directors gathered for an event on May 15. From left to right are College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean Scott Angle, UGA Extension Director Beverly Sparks and past UGA Extension directors Mel Garber (2003-2006), Bobby Tyson (2001-2003), Wayne Jordan (1988-1996) and Tal Duvall (1977-1988). CAES News
UGA Extension celebrates 100 years with exhibit at UGA library
University of Georgia Extension joined with the university community and Georgians across the state this month to celebrate 100 years of community-centered information, education and service.
Overwintering kudzu bugs discovered in pine bark. CAES News
Key to controlling kudzu bug populations could be parasitoid wasps
A parasitoid wasp controls kudzu bug populations in its native Asia. University of Georgia entomologist Michael Toews hopes those wasps will one day reduce the kudzu bug’s presence in the United States.