News Stories - Page 210

Curcuma gingers blooms like this Jewel of Thailand are actually comprised of colorful bracts. CAES News
Curcuma gingers are the crown jewels of the plant world
With names like ‘Jewel of Thailand,’ ‘Jewel of Burma’ and ‘Garnet,’ ginger plants add exotic flair that will takes your breath away, says University of Georgia gardening expert Norman Winter. And, they don't require a lot of work.
Upcoming field day to feature UGA CAES research
A field day focusing on University of Georgia research at the Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center (SEREC) in Midville, Georgia, will take place at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 24.
Abnormally dry conditions this summer have kept Georgia's mosquito populations mercifully low, but that's no reason for Georgians to let down their guard, especially this season. CAES News
Summer is waning but mosquito season is full swing; Georgians need to stay vigilant
While school is back in session, Georgians won’t be giving up on summer fun just yet. In fact, many of us may be spending even more time outside as it starts to cool off this September and October.
While many of Georgia's 63 species of mosquito thrive in wet weather, southern house mosquitoes — which transmit West Nile virus — prefer dry or even drought conditions. CAES News
The risk of Zika is low but Georgians should reduce mosquito populations where they can
School is back in session in most parts of Georgia, and many families are returning to their normal routines. But less time chasing summertime adventures may mean more time consuming news and, unfortunately, new stories about the Zika virus.
Norman Winter, director of the University of Georgia's Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, Georgia. CAES News
'Garden Guru' Norman Winter to write columns for Georgia media
Known across the South as the “Garden Guru,” Norman Winter has been writing about his passion for gardening for the past 20 years. Starting this week, his gardening columns will be distributed to media across the state by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Alexander Bucksch talks with a cow during the New Faculty Tour on Thursday, August 4, at the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Annual UGA tour stops at UGA Tifton
Thirty-six faculty members from the University of Georgia visited the Future Farmstead energy efficient house, learned about irrigation and peanut genetics, and fed calves during their stop at the UGA Tifton Campus as part of the 2016 New Faculty Tour.
Christopher Morgan (center) is among the newest crop of Master 4-H'ers named at the recent Georgia 4-H State Congress event in Atlanta. Morgan credits his 4-H experience for helping him overcome issues with his autism. CAES News
Master 4-H'ers credit Georgia 4-H for teaching them public speaking, leadership skills
Born with autism, 19-year-old Christopher Morgan didn’t speak until he was 4 years old. Today, Morgan is one of 47 Georgia 4-H members who earned the coveted title of “Master 4-H’er” at the annual Georgia 4-H State Congress, held July 26-28 in Atlanta.
This summer has seen the second or third warmest June-July period on record for much of the state. Temperatures ranged from almost 2 to 3.5 degrees above the 1981-2010 average. CAES News
Georgia's hot, dry spell will continue despite recent showers
About 65 percent of Georgia is experiencing some level of abnormally dry weather or drought, and there are no signs it will break before October.
As interest in local food continues to grow, more communities across Georgia have started farmers markets, like this one in Roswell. The University of Georgia's helping to meet the demand, too, with a certificate program in local food systems. CAES News
August 7-13 is National Farmers Market Week
Fresh tomatoes, fresh okra and heirloom field peas — who doesn’t love a farmers market?