News Stories - Page 205

Hay bales outline a field in Butts County, Georgia. CAES News
Hay producers at mercy of weather as fall armyworms reduced hay supply
While drivers spend extra time in the car in search of fuel during the recent gasoline shortage, farmers are dealing with a more long-term shortage — a low supply of hay for their livestock.
Photos of seeds available at a recent seed swap at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. CAES News
Saving seeds: the power of the past and promise of the future
Every variety of seed has a story. Some seed varieties can be linked to important historical figures, like Thomas Jefferson. As the growing season for summer favorites comes to an end, consider saving seeds from healthy, vigorously producing plants and begin a seed legacy of your own.
Everillo's grassy texture combines well with flowers like SunPatiens. CAES News
'Everillo' sedge is like having golden lanterns throughout the landscape
There seems to be no plant combination that is not made better by partnering with ‘Everillo,' commonly known as "Japanese sedge." It's an incredible companion with hostas, ferns, pansies and tulips.
Pecans on the ground in an orchard on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. CAES News
High optimism for Georgia's pecan crop
Expectations are high for this year’s Georgia pecan crop, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells.
Corn is harvested on the UGA Tifton Campus on August 11, 2016. CAES News
Georgia corn production up this year
Georgia’s field corn acreage is up and yields should be strong, but prices remain disappointingly low for producers, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko.
The University of Georgia Griffin Campus has added a UGA Uga Bulldog statue to campus as one of its efforts to unify the campus with the greater university. The "Big G" on the western edge of campus was also recently renovated, just in time for football season. CAES News
UGA Griffin Campus adds bulldog statue, renovates "Big G"
Lew Hunnicutt hit the ground running 11 months ago when he was named the new assistant provost and campus director of the University of Georgia Griffin Campus. One of his top priorities is to clear up the misconception that the campus is not really a part of UGA. Getting a Bulldog statue for the campus and renovating the "Big G" on campus are just two of his recent efforts.
A field of dryland peanuts in Tift County. CAES News
Difficult decisions in store for Georgia dryland peanut producers
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort advises Georgia’s peanut growers to take action to protect their dryland crop.
All stages of fall armyworms, from tiny larvae to large caterpillars, live in a growth chamber on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Georgia. The worms are used to conduct research on how best to control the pest. CAES News
Large population of fall armyworms hits Georgia hay fields
Georgia farmers are never surprised to see fall armyworms munching on their precious corn, sorghum and forage hay crops. They just hope for a low number of armyworms. This year’s population of the tiny destroyers, described as an “Armageddon-type outbreak” by University of Georgia entomologist David Buntin, is far from low.
When Hurricane Hermine landed, these rain lilies were just clumps of foliage. Within a few days, dozens of flowers appeared. CAES News
Hurricane Hermine brings magic flowers of the rain
Hurricane Hermine was a tropical storm by the time it reached Savannah, Georgia. While it left a wake of plant destruction, it also brought blooms by the dozens. The storm hit on Friday, and by Tuesday morning, when we returned to the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm after the Labor Day holiday, we were welcomed by rain lilies.