News Stories - Page 197

Lamiums reach a height of 8 to 12 inches with a spread of 24 inches, making them a perfect spiller plant in mixed containers. CAES News
Use deadnettle to liven up cool spring containers
January is typically a self-induced holding pattern when it comes to gardening. But if you find that you failed to get cool-season containers planted, then take advantage of fresh shipments of pansies, violas, petunias, dianthus and all the other component plants, like lamiums, as they arrive at your garden center.
The 43rd annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference will be held at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia, on Thursday, January 17, 2019. CAES News
UGA Tifton set to host annual Peanut Farm Show
The Georgia Peanut Farm Show is set for Thursday, Jan. 19, at 8:30 a.m. at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia.
It took author Ina Cook Hopkins more than nine years to compile data, interview key players, write the text and work with designer Carol Williamson to complete a history book about Rock Eagle 4-H Center. A former Walton County 4-H'er, Hopkins refers to the book as her last 4-H record book and a “tangible way to give back to the organization that means so much” to her. She is pictured (seated) with the book's designer, Carol Williamson (standing left), and Georgia 4-H State Leader Arch Smith. CAES News
History of Rock Eagle 4-H Center chronicled in new book
A newly published history of Rock Eagle 4-H Center, “Rock Eagle: Centerpiece of Georgia 4-H,” details how the camp grew into a place where millions of past Georgia 4-H’ers and unknown numbers of future 4-H members create lifelong memories.
Bright Lights Swiss chard is like a beet without a bottom. CAES News
Swiss chard: highly ornamental and wonderfully edible
There's a lot to love about Swiss chard. It is highly ornamental and wonderfully edible.
Katrien Devos, a molecular geneticist at the University of Georgia, received at $1.8 million grant from National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2016 to help lay the groundwork to make finger millet more productive and disease resistant. CAES News
UGA plant breeder working to unlock the genetics of finger millet – the orphan crop that feeds millions
Relatively unknown outside of health food stores in the United States, millet has served as a staple food for families in Eastern Africa and Asia for thousands of years.
Jesse Lafian, a fourth-year horticulture student, designed a patent-pending moisture sensor that is the centerpiece of his startup, Reservoir LLC. Lafian won UGA's Next Top Entrepreneur, with a prize of $10,000 to put toward his company. CAES News
CAES student building startup based on smart irrigation technology
Remote moisture sensors and smart irrigation rigs are promising to revolutionize the way farmers use water, but soon this same technology may be available to landscape managers and, eventually, homeowners.
Mixed containers featuring trailing pansies and dianthus make this Old Town patio in Columbus, Georgia, a cool season delight. CAES News
Pansies partner well with snapdragons, thyme and cypress in cool-season containers
Trailing foliage and flowers are equally paramount to designing mixed baskets and containers in the cool season. Throughout the Old Town community in Columbus, Georgia, container gardens make colorful statements.
Mike Lacy is a professor emeritus and retired department head of the University of Georgia Department of Poultry Science. CAES News
Former UGA poultry scientist tapped by U.S. Department of State for outreach to South African farmers
Mike Lacy, professor emeritus and former head of the University of Georgia Department of Poultry Science, has been tapped by the U.S. Department of State to help train agricultural extension agents in South Africa and to provide support to poultry farmers there.
Phillip Roberts, Extension entomologist with the University of Georgia Tifton Campus, searches a soybean plant at a field in Midville for kudzu bugs. CAES News
Kudzu-bug-resistant soybeans in development at the University of Georgia
Kudzu bugs are not native to Georgia, but in the past seven years, they’ve made their homes in soybean fields across the southeastern U.S.