News Stories - Page 143

Brad K Hounkpati is shown in his UGA office with images of his lady bug collection shown on his computer screen. CAES News
UGA entomologist establishes a place in science for African lady beetle
There are more than 6,000 species of lady beetles in the world, most having different natural histories and roles in their environments. Being able to identify the different species is vital to understanding them, and knowing what they look like is typically a major part of that process.
Anthony Flint, Julie Peters and Gary Ware were honored as the UGA Griffin campus 2019 Classified Employees of the Year during the annual Classified Employee Recognition Ceremony held March 26. Pictured (from left) during the awards ceremony are Lew Hunnicutt, assistant provost and director at UGA-Griffin, Ware, Peters, Flint and Sam Pardue, dean and director of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
UGA-Griffin names 2019 Classified Employees of the Year
Anthony Flint, Julie Peters and Gary Ware were honored as the University of Georgia Griffin campus 2019 Classified Employees of the Year during the annual Classified Employee Recognition Ceremony held March 26.
Here's a picture of a homeowner's citrus tree in Camden County, Georgia infected by the citrus greening disease. Georgia’s citrus crop is expected to double in size this year. CAES News
As yield grows, Georgia citrus producers need to be wary of potential diseases
The citrus greening disease that has devastated Florida’s industry over the past decade is not affecting Georgia production, but growers should still be aware of the potential danger it can bring, according to Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension fruit pathologist.
Cole Sosebee, a fourth-year student in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication, presents his research poster at the 2019 College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium. CAES News
Student researchers shine at annual CAES Undergraduate Research Symposium
On April 3, almost 70 College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) undergraduate students presented their research in the annual CAES Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Poultry farmers need their chickens to be efficient at turning feed into muscle. UGA researchers are studying the genetics of why some chickens make muscle while others make fat. Their findings could have implications for human health as well. CAES News
UGA Department of Poultry Science hosts Hot Weather Management Workshop April 15-17
While diners may enjoy hot chicken wings and Nashville’s famous hot fried chicken, no one likes hot chickens — especially not poultry farmers.
From left, Rep. Houston Gaines (Georgia House District 117), CAES Alumni Association President Van McCall and Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame inductees Robert Lowery, Louie Boyd, Fred Greer, Abit Massey, Johnny Crawford, Wayne Hanna and Buddy Leger celebrate the dedication of the renovated hall of fame with CAES Dean and Director Sam Pardue. CAES News
Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame renovation celebrates legacy and future of agriculture
Since 1972, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Alumni Association has housed the Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame. With Georgia being home to such visionaries as Martha Berry, D.W. Brooks and Glenn Burton, the hall of fame plays an important role in telling the story of 20th- and 21st-century agriculture in the U.S.
UGA Extension weed scientist Stanley Culpepper speaks about weed research during a field day. CAES News
UGA faculty and staff recognized for excellence in public service
Eight University of Georgia faculty and staff were honored for exemplary service to the state during Monday’s 2019 Public Service and Outreach awards luncheon, which included awards for Entrepreneur of the Year and Donor Impact.
A year after the devastation of Hurricane Michael, Georgia's pecan farmers are preparing for this year's crop. Pictured are pecans on the ground following Hurricane Michael in Decatur County, Georgia. CAES News
Georgia's pecan industry at crossroads
The pecan industry in the Southeast U.S. is at a crossroads, and the 2019 season could go a long way toward determining the financial future for many Georgia farmers, according to Lenny Wells, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist.
The Centennial Garden is currently under construction and is located behind the Tift Building in the middle of the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Centennial Garden celebrates UGA-Tifton's history
The addition of the Centennial Garden will celebrate the history of the University of Georgia Tifton campus while breathing new life into the heart of the campus, according to Joe West, assistant dean of the campus.